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Everything posted by grizzlee

  1. hello can i request S3ns4t!0n be added to b2f user account 502 thank you once again :D
  2. .
  3. thanks for the link :D why rename it? its not called hack.exe It runs from the desktop and works by just pressing a hotkey i`ve never had any problems with it. Im pretty sure it wasnt made just for et, as I also use it to minimise cctv software I have, that has no minimise on the menu bar.
  4. I know what garfield minimiser your on about, I use the same one and its so easy to use, Ive zipped it up for you to download here thats if your still looking for it and doesnt just miminise et :D also i hate to sound like a noob :unsure: but how do you get the signature in to show how many cheats you`ve caught like other members have ? ive been looking for ages and im loosing my head with it now lol thanks in advance
  5. Topic Title: Hub Game: ET Clantag; ~B2F|
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