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About CaNNon

  • Birthday 08/02/1961

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    Brothers Grim Clan
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  1. Little more progressive around here cvar for known cheats will get added. ;)
  2. That looks nice, I'm going to give it a try!
  3. Have you used the speed part? man thats slick for finding whats slowing a site down! Yea firebug is my favorite by a long shot. ;)
  4. A few I would highly recommend Don't want the adds or spam and accessing same search on other engines is just handy during your search. customizegoogle Security must haves! NoScript, firekeeper and edit cookies. Quick ftp client for those odd jobs. FireFTP <-- very nice much more powerful that you would think! Stuff I find handy working on web stuff. colorzilla google site indexer firebug <-- a must have for web geeks! IE view lite <-- sometimes you need to know how it looks in IE.
  5. I use FF and don't have much use for IE, not sure what you mean by adding plugins to make it have the same functionality as IE though all the addons I use take it past IE. All browsers have exploitable code but only one really gets exploited, really though it don't mater witch you use as long as it's not tied to the same software you browse your hard drives with. ;)
  6. 100% agreement! :)
  7. I tried it and I found it pretty lame, still as it's a in game menu option I don't think it would be in the best interests of an anti cheat site to be involved with that. Still it's really lame playing style and I'm sure the guys you see doing it also pull nads and pistols out of their a$$ too! :lol:
  8. I think you did the right thing and it should be a firm policy to verify all source you use here.
  9. Also cod4 has issues with the in game browser you have to keep a eye on it an make sure it's active enough to show up. I don't even want to go into how stupidly that was made... :angry:
  10. under 15 minutes? It was under 5 minutes to set up two servers and that was damned sweet. ;)
  11. I don't know about anyone else but I have no interest in covering for anyone bpcZoD. We all know the rules on streaming the violations to be valid and thats rightly so. I would suggest a nice private PM to a admin as a heads up and quietly waiting for a second chance. ;)
  12. I never even thought about the server been default settings... :unsure: Sorry!
  13. I don't think it has anything to do with pbbans not with that violation showing. ;)
  14. Well thats a good point, maybe relic should explain a little more on the how and we could offer some better advice?
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