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Everything posted by Razorsidewalk

  1. Im trying to add a server to my account. I had to remvoe the old one as its a new IP im adding. When i fill in the details and click on add, the foloowing comes up "Server is already streaming" Can you tell me why this is and how can fix this so i can add the server to my account. Razor
  2. My mistake, sry i put in the wrong IP, it is It has now been added to my account Sry bout that :(
  3. I am trying to add our new CoD4 server to my account manager but when i fill in all the details and click "Add Server", it comes up with the following message: Server is already streaming Any ideas why i cant add this server to my account? Thnx Razor
  4. I know it says the server isnt streaming but when i look at the server through our clans E-Dom account it says the server is streaming to PBBans. Can u tell me why it says it is streaming through there, but not when i look on our PBBans account.? Also when i do a server stream check using the "Check Streaming Server" facility on this website it comes up with the clan tag as [E-Dom] Razor
  5. Nvm, my bad, i have found the link to signatures through the admin account. NAd have 3 choices available to me. Thnx for the help anyways Razor
  6. Our server is streaming to PBBans, but i cant find anything that tells me where i can get a signature link for our website? Razor
  7. Where can i get hold of the signatures to put on our clans website that shows the clans server details, bans, etc. I can find any post that shows sigs that can be used. Thnx Razor
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