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Everything posted by ^Da^grim{QrF}

  1. I found the problem the server i added i used the wrong ip i used 65.55 and its 66.55 so ive added the correct one and deleted the wrong one, just waitng for admina pproval and it shopuld be good. Thanks for your help.
  2. Ok first of all i had a sever for aa3 based in the UK which i had streaming to you guys, then as most mebers of our group are in the US i decided to switvh the location of the server to newyorkto help them out, i have added the server in my server settings and added the cfg from your site as well as the ucon file, the same two i used to get the other server streaming. This is the line thats in there does this look correct? ; ------------------------------ ; PB UCON Settings / Lists ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_uconignoreempty pb_sv_usessionlimit 9 pb_sv_ucontimeout 90 pb_sv_uconempty pb_sv_uconadd 1 "pbbanshub" "pbbanshub" For some reason the server isnt streaming and i really havent a clue why pb is up to date an running the pbsv is added and the ucon. I have uploaded the pb server log in to the thread as an attachment and maybe if someone has the time they could quickly scan over it, to see if it looks ok. Hope someone can help me out. Thanks for your time. Sorry the server ip is 00000008.log
  3. Wow sound like you are being a little sarcastic with me or maybe im reading it wrong. Ill just add him to my list. I suppose if i had been streaming at the time he wouldnt have came in my server but it seems to be causing problems at the moment thats why it was off.
  4. I had my server with pb off for a few days as i was having problems and someone contated me saying some guy was hacking but as i didnt have pb running there was no screenshots to check. Then today im watching aa3 vids on you tube and i come across this vid of some guy hacking on a pipe server and as mine is one of the few running pipe 24/7 i took a closer look, and i see the persons name in chat who reported the guy to me. So this intruiged be further and then i see the guys name that was reported as being the hacker -]TC[-AC1D-W@R if you view the vid at 27 seconds you see him confirm an enemy and his name pops up in the chat message as he does this. Is it possible to use this vid as a submission to get this guy on your banlist. i suppose i could also find his ip if i searched the logs. He also uses the name TheSpryElbow in a second vid he made demonstrating his hack. The links to the vids ill add at the bottom not sure if im allowed to but im sure they will be deleted if not. You will need to turn of annotations as he has tried to cover the text chat up by adding a huge one, probably doesnt relise they can be turned off. I hope you can ban this guy if not i can always just add him to my personal banlist. do not advertise cheats on our forums The second vid needs to be paused at around 22 secs whe he brings up score list for a split second you notice hes using the m249 which 2 people are using in the list, so i wasnt sure about which one but then a little later at he takers damage in the bottom section of pipe and calls medic which sticks his name in the chat at around 1:43 yopu see it clearly TheSpryElbow. Heres the link for this vid do not advertise cheats on our forums
  5. Hi i have just got back into aa after a break for a few years, i have got my server up and running with punkbuster and all is running well, but what id like is some kind of user cfg i have set up a basic one for ppss and some other stuff but what im looking for is cvars i know alot of people are using baiminghelp=true and fogvolumes=false. After reading through the pb guide and then the game and engine ini files ive came up with two to hopefully stop these being used in my server, im not to sure if they will work as ive never added cvars on my own before. So if someone could take alook and let me know that would be great. pb_sv_cvar "Engine.PlayerController bAimingHelp" include false pb_sv_cvar "SystemSettings FogVolumes" include true Also can i stream my server to pbbans yet or do i need to wait for you to support it?
  6. in pb control i see manage greeting what is this for? where would the greeting be and why does it ask for guid? any help please. Thanks
  7. cant finds it ,it says lost connection without warning is there a way of finding it manually cheers
  8. i think i must be doing something wrong cuase i cant find those files any where on my ftp i have j pat on my desktop is that right do i need to also upload java to my ftp i have in my harddrive
  9. i actually removed all of them as i added a whole load of them but now im using jpat and i dont want to tick box to update cvar checks because when i do i dont know where they go to edit them ive l;ooked in pbsv.cfg and they are not there i suppose i could put them back in manually and just remove that one its a shame as auto update is very handy unless u can tell me where the cvars can be edited after using auto update sorry to waffle on cheers
  10. one of my members joined our server after i added your cvar checks and got kicked for this ccvar checksvar HumanController FlashbangDistortion * = SOUND'S_AA2_WEAPONSUS.GRENADES.WEAPONSUS_GRENADES_TTSDISORIENTED' what is it ,is it somesort of cheat some help please. cheers
  11. hub americas army clan tag{QrF} ip cheers dude
  12. i would like to request streaming i use aon admin panel and have been told i need to reqwuest streaming from u guys to make server more secure its the server pbban hub i need to stream to and also could i request to forward the logs to aon aci and ci than you our server is called {QrF} Tracked Honor Server ip is hope tjis is all you need cheers
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