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  1. OK, thx man. I'm glad this is cleared now!
  2. Hello! Would someone be so kind and explain how to set up my server to stream to PBBans and Game Violations. Also I'd like to know how to stream to PsB and PBBans. If I look at the IPs for streming those anticheat companies use, I see they differ. And here's where setting my server for multi streaming stops. Please help me clear these things out. I'm perfectly capable to set my server to stream to PBBans or PsB or GV but don't know how to do it for multi streaming. Thank you!
  3. I thought this might be the reason :(, thx for the reply.
  4. I used to have full access to MPI3&4. After this new renewal I can't get into full access for MPI, I can view only banned players. Why is that, why am I being restricted all of the sudden? Thx for your explanation in advance! My username is MicoMaco.
  5. Thx, that's all I wanted to know.
  6. Hello! I've seen few #9002 violations lately and can't figure out what does it stand for or what does it prove. One of them has this info: PBSV: MD5Tool ["log.txt" SZ172 AT0 LEN32 723D6CED41511EF316F78E4941CD22B4] ... PBSV: VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) #9002 ... MD5Tool Mismatch: log.txt (len=32) . Can someone explain it to me please? Also I am wondering in what circumstances this can be a falls positive? In (TSS)Hidinfury's post (Reference guide to pb violations) there is mentioned only #9001 violation and at least for me it is explained insufficiently. Thank you very much for your answers!
  7. Hi there! I was wondering if the last 8 digits in PB GUID can consist of only the numbers, no letters? Something like 76511032 or 00968372. I am used to see GUIDs with numbers AND letters but very rare there are GUIDs consisting only of numbers. First time I noticed it was when trying to get a guid of a cheater...so after that I assumed that those guids might be fake ones. Thank you for your replies. Ticha-vun
  8. Unfortunately true! Such a great game and such a great bugs, we can't have it all, can we?!
  9. This is an interesting update on the issue. Today me and my friend Druid frapsed the whole thing again, my role was mimicking a seating duck and recording at 100 fps while Druid was shooting at me. When analysing the recorded material "frame by frame" with VirtualDub I noticed that damage intervals were happening at highly inconsistent pattern. The bullets were hitting me sometimes at 80 ms intervals, sometimes at 90 ms intervals, 100 ms (which is normal), 110, 120 , even 130 and 140 ms (the latter might be connected with ping fluctuations), and once I noticed even a 70 ms bullet damage interval. Never the less all these damage interval inconsistencies might be due to ping fluctuations (we were recording in American server, we both being from Europe with pings around 100 and 130). Next project: LAN recording! Ticha-vun
  10. Thx chaap! Ticha-vun
  11. Hi everyone! I'd like to ask if there is any way for ROF of G2 to be increased from time to time in normal non-moded server, like some sort of a bug? The estimates I got are approximately 12 bullets per second (normally it should be 10) - the damage I was receiving was refreshing every 83 ms (Fraps-VDub combo, recorded at 60fps). Or the only explanation is that a guy was hacking? Ticha-vun
  12. Thx for the info. Ticha-vun
  13. Hello! Have you ever come across this hack: 1) at the moment when a player "sees" you he shoots a single bullet straight into you without even aiming at you, this happens even when he just spawns and stays in the position with a gun pointing downward for a moment, not even being aware of your presence. The hack Nr1) was combined with 2) As soon as you kill the specific player he kills you with an unarm if you happen to be in his proximity; if you are far enough you can hear his exaggerated unarm punches just after he dies. The main question here is: can this specific hack be planted into the server side and the hacking person not even being aware of it... like as someone wants to frame somebody? Has this happened before? Anyone came across this hack? Thank you very much for your replies! Ticha-vun
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