I've spec'd him a lot, and looked at pbscreens
he plays with us all the time and is a good cal o player, but nothing you'd ever thing was walling or hacking
just totally out of place
he's not on any ban list for anything, I'll have him submit a ticket to Evenbalance
he got kicked again later for it too in another scrim
highly doubt he would have kept using it if it REALLY was a hack
by the way, the server SAID it was streaming, but maybe not, he was able to repeatedly rejoin w/o being banned
Server Name!!CARENTAN 24/7 GEORANK Top10
Server IP
is the name of the server this was on, and no, I am not an admin there
Started observing him before he got kicked the first time because it was blatant he was walling
I have a demo as well if it's needed, but this should be enough to add the shitbrick to the banlist perhaps
his alias in game is a broken ppsh
his violations were
pb hack #130337 and unknown windows api function 131131
blatant from the demo as well