Hello , I am seeing a console error message that states
Error: ban.txt must be in an IWD or not in the main directory
Any assitance for this COD4 steaming server.
I am also using ModernRcon .. perhaps it is this but i dont think so
RESTRICTION: Unknown Windows API Function [131133]
A player keeps getting punted off my server any idea on the error?
---- I have found what someone figured out was the problem.
For error 131131 - He was able to figure out that Security Update for Windows (KB917422) is the update that conflicted with Punkbuster. Once he removed it, it worked.
Another ...
API Kick 131133:
Known cause: Ventrillo Voice Overlay - Possibly other overlay programs. (ATI tool tray from Omega Drivers suspect)
Solution: Disable overlay program
Known cause: DxTweaker
Solution: Disable DxTweaker program
Known cause: Older TSO - Causes a "Missing/Corrupted API" kick
Solution: Update TSO to latest build
WMP 11 & 'Hotfix for Windows Media Format 11 SDK (KB929399)' update on your PC?
Any ideas......
Excellent! Glad to hear, I am an old MOH series fan and this was always on the wish list. I am glad to see EA made the right step forward for those who love online multiplayer gaming. I think however I might be stuck playing a single player version. It looks Sweet!
Hello ,
I am looking for a game league that uses PBBANS. I have seen a few leagues asking to modify the PB files but I think it might mess up my connection with PBBANS hub connection.
Can anyone suggest a US or Canadian COD2 gaming league?
Yes , I guess the question is , What are the differences? more secutiry or a more pure server? Less pure ? I assume it translates on how the config is then on each EDom server then. I would like to ensure a good setup and from what I see the Edom server catches allot of cheaters.
I was looking at my server and have wondered about the flags, What is the pro or con to turning on the flags?
For example what happens if the EDOM flag is selected? Does this change anything ? more security? better checks?
it seems to be working
PBBans Repository Server SearchNot FoundServer is not in the MSI Rep List
PBBans Hub Server SearchServer Status:Server is streaming via HubServer InfoClan Tag:[1stCPB]Server IP: Streaming:May 9, 2007 4:25 pmLog Forwarding:NoneLeague Settings:NonePBBans Options:Enforce Bans
Great , Thanks for the tip, I am new at the streaming thing
I will give it a try
I tried and it didnt connect , BTW, sorry if this post should not be here.
Hmmm,, having troubles, Guess i am missing something, duh.. any ideas
Aww got it,
Thanks Benway