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{: OuTcAsTs :} Droo

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    Call of Duty
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{: OuTcAsTs :} Droo's Achievements


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  1. kk..but only cos ur pic has made me scared of ya :P
  2. oohhh well that the admins fault..they dunno how to change it up on website cos they get sumone else to do all that and i hasnt been changed for a while... so wot do i do??? http://theoutcasts.co.uk//modules.php?name...viewprofile&u=6 it mentions clan leader under my avavtar here..does that help
  3. yeah im cod leader and server admin for our cod team..why??
  4. finally i found somehwere that agrees with how me and my clan feel about it all...now just gotta find a league that adopts the same idea!!!
  5. ditto... but wot can we do ???
  6. ...k well i think the whole on purpose lag/warping is happening alot cos i have a demo where everyone had good pings but occasionly it looked as if they were warping/lagging when they moved but guess im just new wot wud i know lol
  7. hi, i was speaking to a member of a team who just trounced all over us, and asked if he had any hints, he told me to chnag emy rates /rate 20000 /snaps 40 /cl_maxpackets 100 now aparently this improves hitting and aim he said but beofre do it i wanna make sure that it isnt cheating, because it kinda seems like it is cos ur changing the setting to improve ur own gameplay... any help would be appreciated :D
  8. oh i c, i set the server with help from [HH]RAPT3ERMAN, who sorted my pb config. I will keep a look out for it like u said thanks for the help
  9. Hi there im pretty new to all this pb stuff and was checking my logs and there was just one that i didnt quite know wot it was [08.01.2004 19:31:01] VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001: Die lange Sarah (slot #17) Cvar aim = 1 [9aac38d4a48b669a0b1486d97ad36924(-)] [08.01.2004 19:31:01] Kick Command Issued (Cvar aim = 1) for (17) Die lange Sarah wot is a cvar aim i guess they set it to 1 when it shud be 0 but wot is it???
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