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Everything posted by Facelift

  1. I have recieved the info on PB being fixed again, I have reinstalled all the services. I have tested out several maps on the server and i have not gotten kicked for the corrupt module list yet. (Knock on wood) To summerize all things up this issue appears to be fixed. Thankgod!
  2. I have recieved the info on PB being fixed again, I have reinstalled all the services. I have tested out several maps on the server and i have not gotten kicked for the corrupt module list yet. (Knock on wood) To summerize all things up this issue appears to be fixed. Thankgod!
  3. NOTE: This ticket is currently closed because the issue is believed to be resolved. PB Support Staff info reguarding the (RESTRICTION: Corrupt Module List) 08/15/2007 10:42:45 - "Hendrik Thole" Note #2: You may want to try our tool "PBSetup". You can install/update/repair PB with it: 1) Download PBSetup for windows from this link: http://websec.evenbalance.com/downloads/windows/pbsetup.exe 2) Create a directory like "C:\Program Files\PBSetup" and move pbsetup.exe to this location. Any folder will do, at any location. 3) Run PBSetup - (Recommended) Create a desktop shortcut to pbsetup.exe from where you downloaded and then double click on the icon. In addition, be aware that PBSetup attempts to locate the installation directory of any game automatically. It does this using a series of "game hints". The "game hints" can be registry entries, hardcoded directories, or system environment variables. Although PBSetup currently detects the game installation paths well, there is a chance that we've missed some locations. If you find that PBSetup does not automatically find your game installation, please fill out a trouble ticket and let us know. Please include the game, your OS, and the complete path to your PB folder. 08/13/2007 10:46:17 - "//Facelift//" Note #1: Ticket submitted to support staff. Apparently PB isnt fixed yet, still getting the same message, both PB serverside and clientside manual updates
  4. Same here PB kicks again
  5. NOTE: This ticket is currently closed because the issue is believed to be resolved. PB Support Staff info reguarding the (RESTRICTION: Corrupt Module List) 08/15/2007 10:42:45 - "Hendrik Thole" Note #2: You may want to try our tool "PBSetup". You can install/update/repair PB with it: 1) Download PBSetup for windows from this link: http://websec.evenbalance.com/downloads/windows/pbsetup.exe 2) Create a directory like "C:\Program Files\PBSetup" and move pbsetup.exe to this location. Any folder will do, at any location. 3) Run PBSetup - (Recommended) Create a desktop shortcut to pbsetup.exe from where you downloaded and then double click on the icon. In addition, be aware that PBSetup attempts to locate the installation directory of any game automatically. It does this using a series of "game hints". The "game hints" can be registry entries, hardcoded directories, or system environment variables. Although PBSetup currently detects the game installation paths well, there is a chance that we've missed some locations. If you find that PBSetup does not automatically find your game installation, please fill out a trouble ticket and let us know. Please include the game, your OS, and the complete path to your PB folder. 08/13/2007 10:46:17 - "//Facelift//" Note #1: Ticket submitted to support staff.
  6. I agree with you also anyone who tampers with Punkbuster components should lose all there privialges/access to this site.
  7. This is the info on the issue and was sent to me by a former PB staff. A corrupt module list is basically a file downloaded from ( A ) server that is recognized by PB on ( B ) server as a bad file, if the file from the ( A ) server has been modified in any way then this error occurs b/c the game is seeing two files almost exactly alike and will kick you. It is also Admin accessible and can be used as a manual kick if the admin wants to be a dick and kick you for some reason or another.
  8. Aparently most of us are getting these Kick Command Issued (RESTRICTION: Corrupt Module List) messages Looks like the servers that havent been affected by this doesnt have autoduptate otherwise they'd have the same issues where having. The best option is jsut to turn off PB for now, we know its a welcoming mat for the hackers to come in but if you have the SEC patch on your server your somewhat protected from server modifying etc...., having the SEC patch is better than having nothing at all in this situation. I have also Submitted a TT, still no word yet. <_<
  9. I hear ya, others are saying that the [sEC] patch is the cause of the lag on the SEC patched severs, removing the patch will only invite the hackers who like modifying server settings, hijacking the vote system, and many more things. The lag is a small price to pay in keeping you server safe. If you wish to keep your server unpached then your asking to be hacked.
  10. I paid for my game but thats besides the point, If it wasnt for PB, SEC Patch, MD5 and streaming we admins and players be in serious trouble trying to get the hacks off. Since i got my server streaming and the MD5 going 42 bans in about 1 1/2 weeks.
  11. How many times does someone have to be caught cheating before Pb issues a hardware ban, CLEARLY this guy doesnt know when to quit. 12 GUID's banned and hes still getting more Keys to get back on. Can you guys do something or let someon know to get this guy off for good. heres the Screenshot of it Hes gotten caught 4 or 5 times on my server and it dont look like hes going to stop.
  12. HUB GAME: F.E.A.R. Clan / Group Tag : #1 Clan / Group Name : Newbies Website :http://mdk.noghost.net
  13. [*] Some cheats if detected will auto add an ip ban to the server for the offending player. [*] Other cheats will result in a 5 minute temporary ban. From the 5 minutes temp ban , is there a cmd that can change that to a permenant ban, cause if you cheat on a server the cheater should never be allowed on the server.
  14. ok will do
  15. There's a other hacking clan called **edit** they run a server Called something like **edit**Hacks they are runnign a 1.08 version server but its not my problem on how they run they're server, PB has caught them in my server and they are listed here already, to sum everything up theres another clan and who knows how many out there that are hacking but this has got to stop they are f__K__G up yesterdays and todays games !!
  16. I came across a site not sure if PB know about it but if not it has to be checked out by PB so we can get these hacks off our servers !! I came across it, was making a search on Crosshairs for fear, i posted a msg on here to review some SS of possible crosshair modifying/hack, jsut wanted to make sure if there was and actual fear crosshairs that can be added and PB aproved, and I stumbled accors this site of sooooo many different types hacks ranging from speed hacks, flying hacks, aimbots, etc......... the list goes on and these hackers are showing others how to make them andPB undetected !! I am so against hacks so if the admins of PB can msg i can provide you guys with the hack site since postin the site is a definite nono. //Flash//
  17. Im not too sure what to say here with these screenshots, according to PBBans using an external chrosshair modifier can result in Pb to ban the individual, In fear theres only 1 standard crosshair, I have some screenshots here which I belive not to be standard crosshairs but i may be wrong , until then the player of which these screeshots belog to will not be allowed on the server until i get a second opinion from PB, PunksBusted, It may easily be nothing to worry about but as everyone knows i run a tight server and i do my best to eliminate hacks as I see them. Well here are a couple of the SS, again all of his screenshots are like that with those crosshairs. I'm currently working on to get the server streamed to detect more cheaters just having some issues setting it up. But will find what I'm doing wrong. Please give me your feedback on what you guys think. [de0779078e2c5661f1e644f8c2d1028c] "Judge_Dredd"
  18. SO far the server hasn't crashed yet ( Knock on wood ) but one thing i'd liek to now is why does the patch erase all the ips in the BanIPList.txt file, when I ban someone for cheating when PB doesnt detect it, I ban their GUID and their ip just incase they have several GUIDs, but the new SEC patch erases the ips in the list. I know this is not an official patch but its a great patch but theres another issue I'm experiencing and I'm not sure if anyone else has this issue, at times it looks like many bombs are being set off, explosions everywhere, is this a bug in the new patch cause i never seen this before installing the patch ? I thought someone was hacking at first but its happened to me also when i come in the map, other people are like wtf ! explosions everywhere! it lasts for like 5+ secs .Can someon help with these issues i'm having . Mr.Bouncer
  19. I have the version without the [sEC] tag its fine but it crashes all the time i dont run a home server the server i have is a 18 player server it crashes at time and theres only 4-5 players. the map changes on its own and now has the scmd cmd jsut me i changed it and same thing. Id llike to send you the files so u can take a look at them to make sure theres nothing wrong in the setup. But the server is behaving wierd and its never happended before the new patch. I now have the version with the Sec tag and hope it fixes some issues heres the addy for the server #1//Newbies//Chicago//*DM Address: Version: FEAR v1.08 GameType: DeathMatch GameVariant: -archcfg Retail Timelimit: 20 Fraglimit: 500 Players / Max: 0 / 18 NumTeams: 0 Punkbuster: Yes Password: No Please help.
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