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WL - SnaKeS3K

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Everything posted by WL - SnaKeS3K

  1. i found some alternative here http://dobee.deviantart.com/art/NeoGeniX-42878394 lthey have some pretty nice themes there, and in most cases you can just use them like the windows themes without any extra program
  2. uninstalling windows blinds fixed it for me too :P @ganz: why are u asking, have a problem with et? i guess its a video setting of nvidia cards. NV distance fog: disabled is what appears in teh console
  3. meant the wbload.exe not a pb process. and it does have an effect on my theme as many themes (and the alienware theme i use) utilise windows blinds for the skinning of your system, which means that if have to disable it, i wont be able to use my current theme anymore. but will test that soon, maybe the wbload.exe isnt the problem in my case.
  4. oh please why does it have to be wbload, tried just ending teh process y-day, which ended up in an almost freeze of my pc :/ now i'll have to change my whole windows theme/style :( pb fucking sucks!
  5. could u pls add our 2 new server aswell Hub Game: Enemy-Territory/TC:E Clan tag: =Mave= thx
  6. Could u pls open the streams for our servers: Hub Game: Enemy-Territory/TC:E Clan tag: =Mave=
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