Aah, I see, thank you for clarifying that. I play in TWL, TGL, CAL, and PGL (CoD 2, CoD 4, BF 2 & 2142, R6 Vegas 2, America's Army, CS:Source, Day of Defeat, ET: Quake Wars, Frontlines: FoW, & GRAW 2 divisions/ladders) and after hearing that conversation, that got me worried, since I like to play in public rooms in my free time and not many public players play at my level/or are used to my style of playing, so from time to time I get accused of hacking or people get suspicious. So I thought I'd come here and ask if that was true or not, since that would be the most awful thing to happen to any tournament player, have their GUIDS perma banned by a server admin and ruin their whole gaming career.