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  1. Aah, I see, thank you for clarifying that. I play in TWL, TGL, CAL, and PGL (CoD 2, CoD 4, BF 2 & 2142, R6 Vegas 2, America's Army, CS:Source, Day of Defeat, ET: Quake Wars, Frontlines: FoW, & GRAW 2 divisions/ladders) and after hearing that conversation, that got me worried, since I like to play in public rooms in my free time and not many public players play at my level/or are used to my style of playing, so from time to time I get accused of hacking or people get suspicious. So I thought I'd come here and ask if that was true or not, since that would be the most awful thing to happen to any tournament player, have their GUIDS perma banned by a server admin and ruin their whole gaming career.
  2. I was in a CoD 4 server MurderInc HC Tactical, and heard them talking about a guy they banned with PB since they are streaming. The only reason they banned him was because he was mass teamkilling. Is that legal? According to them they said he wouldn't be able to play in any other PB servers. I am not the guy nor do I know the guy they were talking about, but if this is true, do you actually allow streaming admins to ban people like that? If so, I am pretty sure you are violating some piece of your contract with the development company of CoD 4. Can you please clarify my inquiry into matters like this? Or is this a subject I should be questioning at Evenbalance? P.S. I apologize in advance if I have posted this in the wrong section of the forums
  3. They still haven't fixed it in Combat or Retail either. The only response I got from evenbalance on my trouble ticket was: "Note #2: I need to see the actual kick message that you are receiving. Or are you now just getting a crash?" - Glen Courington. So I added a note and a link with sreenshots Errors and replied, that was on 07-17-07, today it is 08-06-07 and still no secondary reply. And for the guys that think this has to do with updating, I have tried EVERYTHING: updating manually with pb software, uninstalling, the "reboot" trick, allowing services, opening ports, & even reformatting and reinstalling Windows. It is without a doubt PB itself. However it would be nice if they could compare 2 systems from people who aren't having issues and people that are, to help narrow it down some.
  4. LOL, was just being sarcastic with the Vista ploy idea. Trying to make the uber net junkies more paranoid...but the CIA has you under surveillance, and the FBI has stolen your socks for evidence! :doomed:
  5. Another ploy to encourage people to buy Vista or a glitch like Lost Planet requires nvidia Beta 162.18 driver to run on XP without freezing or how voice chat in Yahoo public chatrooms works on XP but not on Vista? Ok, so on XP Media Center 2005(Which is by all means XP Pro) I have these issues, however out of the blue today, I booted into my Vista partition, ran F.E.A.R. Combat, and everything was fine, even ran the Vista Beta nvidia driver 162.22(and if you are running an 8xxx series card, I recommend this driver, as it is faster and they have fixed the digital vibrance greyed out issue, still needs to have image sharpening enable but I figure that will be in the next beta) without any issues. I have noticed that with a lot of programs though, when they fine tune it for Vista when it was originally made for XP, it's usually not 100% compatible anymore and it's 50/50 in which version will end up being buggy. In which case, as I look it over, I feel the file structure of some of the more major directories is much different from previous Windows versions (from Win ME & up) is a major contributor to those issues. And I'm starting to come to the conclusion that, that is where they went wrong. The larger majority of people I have talked to encountering these issues, have been running XP. Anyway, still no word from evenbalance first ticket was sent 07-13-07 and second 07-14-07 and today it is now 07-23-07 -06:00 G.M.T.. Runs fine on Vista for me, but God I hate using Vista.
  6. Has anyone recieved a reply from evenbalance about this yet?
  7. Just tried all those things including allowing the services on the gaming machine & my web server. Still no change, submitted my first TT on 07-13-07 still no answer from evenbalance, nor any answer from my second ticket on 07-14-07. Just been playing Lost Planet in the meantime, however I hope I won't get these issues when I play BF2, 2142, COD2, Prey, R6 Vegas, Quake 4, and America's Army. Since I've reformatted I haven't reinstalled any of those games yet. :(
  8. Let's see the first Error I got was Disallowed Program/Driver, my best guess at that moment was it was the BETA Nvidia 168.18 so I then dropped back to version 97.92. After reverting back to a public driver I then started getting the PunkbusterA & B message (in which case when PunkbusterB failed it actually set off dwwin.exe with crash notification) Olde Phart posted a pic of the error a # of posts up. The most common I've seen other people kicked for is the PunkbusterA error. These are from the logs you mentioned. OK I see something they may be an issue. Under the PBSVC log, I have put them in bold and underlined them. That can't be the right address can it? Looks more like a gateway address, even if my computer is on a router, with a gateway in front of the router, meaning modem connected to server, server connected to router, and router to all my other pc's.
  9. LOL guys @ "re-install" :lol: , I said in my first post I COMPLETELY formatted the system, completely wiping out XP & Vista (with full format/burn-in* options on each drive for each OS) & reinstalling both OS's. I dunno, sooner or later I'll figure it out or they'll respond to my trouble ticket. *burn-in my word for deep formatting by turning all data to 1's making it unrecoverable by any method But like I said earlier too, I been seeing it happen on other servers to other people as well, however I did notice sometimes it doesn't happen for a map or two, but always kicks somewhere around the last 1-10 mins of the round, I dunno if this was just coincidental or not. I appreciate all the help though guys.
  10. Yes, I have tried those methods already, and none of them fixes the issue, today, unlike yesterday I am receiving the disallowed Program/Driver error again(after runnning pbsvc.exe), I submitted a trouble ticket today too. However the issue is just not isolated to Co-Op, as I posted earlier, I've ran all previously posted versions of F.E.A.R. with same/similair results. In some cases it was Punkbuster A/B error or Disallowed Program/Driver error. When running the pbsvc.exe link you supplied, everything installed fine and had no errors in tests.
  11. Along with myself I've seen/talked with a lot of people that have beened kicked today in FEAR(not banned). With either the Disallowed Driver error, or PunkbusterA or PunkbusterB non-communication message. As far as I knew, I thought Punkbuster A/B was present only in BF2 or 2142 (I forgot which one). But when I got kicked the first time it was for Disallowed Driver error in which case I reverted back to the old(original) nvidia driver which would be 97.92, prior to that moment I was running a BETA 162.18(required to keep Lost Planet from Freezing on XP). After reverting back to the original driver for my hardware I was kicked again, however this time, PunkbusterB(which I also was under the impression that it ran just as a service aside PunkbusterA), poped up with an Error/crash/technical notification. At first I thought it was my comp. so I reformatted COMPLETELY, just to find out it was a waste of time and effort. Because other people were starting to get kicked for it. I really think this issue needs to be addressed soon, cause I'm also noticing, slight & quick freezing(before and after the reformat). My tech level is extremely high, so I know this is not my system and I only chose to reformat instead of trying to trickle it down to the source of the error to save time. I think it has more to do with the new PB release(1.716) that was released 07-13-07. I have tested this on FEAR(retail), Combat, & Co-Op (all updated of course, and even tried manually updating with PB updater). To no avail the same issue arises on all of them.
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