Thanks., But I was more looking for something where I can input the IP of the server I am playing on and view the screen shots of current players (I spend most my time dead on 2142..ROFL)
I am new to the BF2142 series and was wondering if there is anything like AA has. ie..Where can I view screenshots, are there are screenshot viewers like PBCool..etc.
Thanks in advance y'all.
I would have to agree with FlairDevil.
The very first screen shot looks similar to a screen shot being taken just as the player is shot..hence the red splotch...but the final three something is definitely not legal..
Just wanted to say great site and keep up the catching and banning hackers and cheaters. I am a member on AAGUID forums, forums, AON forums and etc.
Always nice to be associated with others who are against hackers.cheaters.