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  1. ndvh


    I've run into a problem with Battlefield 2142 and other games but punkbuster at least gave me a number that i can use to reference the problem so i can ask if anyone else has had this problem and if so how they resolved it. I opened a ticket with even balance and haven't received a response yet so now i'd just like to see if anyone could shed some light on this problem. So to put it briefly i play Battlefield 2142 and i keep getting a message saying "PB IMPORTANT: Restriction: Disallowed Program/Driver [80249]." I checked the punkbuster website and read the manual or whatever that says violations in the 80000's are related to cheats or hacks i forgot, but the problem is that i don't have any cheats hacks or any addons at all running with Battlefield 2142 or any games i play and i have to mention other games because the same thing happened with warcraft 3 except they won't even give me an exact reason why i am temporarily banned but that seems to be the only reason that i could think of since i don't do anything that would call for the temporary banning of my ip in warcraft 3. So i would like to know if anyone has encountered this problem before and if so what was the program that caused this to happen. i tried running my computer with only the essential programs running eliminating what i thought to be all extra backround programs but it still ends up kicking me. The only clue i might have and this may not even be a clue is that i tried installing another game recently, because of the temp banned ip in warcraft and the game would not start even in single player because it said daemon tools 4 was running and that it couldnt run at the same time... so i uninstalled daemon tools and that didnt work it still wouldnt let me play so maybe theres something there that could be causing this problem in all three games. i do have an open ticket with even balance and once again the violation is "PB IMPORTANT: Restriction: Disallowed Program/Driver [80249]." thanks in advance for any help given,
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