Before I begin Id like to thank you guys/girls for doing what you do. If it wasnt for people with your attitudes and effort, online gamine would be useless. You people rock.
OK, here we go with noob questions
1. Im not an admin nor do i run a server, if I take a SS of someone on anygiven server, will it show if they are cheating or am i wasting my time??
2. Is there anything as a player I can do other than complaining to an admin about suspected cheaters?? The reason I ask is Ive seen people doing questionable things in BF2, as we all have Im sure. Sometimes the player might just be a very skilled player, sometimes its too obvious and you know they are cheating. Last month I was playing a Karkand server, and an individual in an APC was killing people like mad at the Suburb post.... only problem with that was his APC was at the Gatehouse wall across the river....2 bases away. I got into a tank and went around the back to kill him, he knew i was coming right away, and when I had him 99% dead, he drove his apc near me and C4d me and himself from inside the APC. I tried 4 more times to kill him with the same result each time. I took a few SS of him yet nothing looked abnormal. I know he was cheating, but as a player and not an admin, how can you prove it??
Thanks for your time, I appologize if this is a waste of your time, I just find it frustrating as a player to not have any recourse dealing with cheaters. I dont know alot about PB but it would be nice to have a tool useable and geared at the players on servers and not put all the presure on admins and thier servers.