Me personally i dont think i would change it. It gives everyone time especially if they just ranked up to make changes to any kits they have before the next map starts i know cus i do that alot if i dont like the way the kit is set up.
Didnt know he was banned before could you post info of that here thanks, and dont get me wrong here not trying to judge or anything was just confused if it was a legit ban by all means get rid of the hackers just wasnt sure myself thanks fellas
Hello guys. I am an admin in a clan we recently had a member who was banned from a certain server which was just an admin decision he was not banned by punkbuster and yet he is on the Master Ban Index. There was video evidence from streaming video by said server me and other admins have watched it and could not come to the conclustion ourselves that he for sure was hacking. The reason banned was for aimbot i also downloaded other video from the bans and you could see for a fact that these people were using aimbots it was so obvious. We have banned him from our servers because hes just on the Master Ban List i guess i am just wandering if there is anyway anyone can look at the video again really close and just make sure there is nothing fishy going on. Like i said just confused on how that worked would appriciate any replies thanks.
Hey guys ive been trying to log into the IRC channle to ask a question today am logged in forums but it gives me an error saying that my username is not valid, is there something im doing wrong thanks