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About Crazy56

  • Birthday 07/28/1970

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    God, my family, & online gaming (COD4).

    I am also the Global Warfighter (GWL) COD4 Game Manager
  • Location
    Burbs of Tampa, FL

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    Second 2 None Clan
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. Does anybody know where I can get my hands on a small program that was written to check CVARS as people connect to a server? I know it's used to battle against people using their scroll wheel as a fire button. Thanks in advance,
  2. No worries, just trying to help you get your question answered as fast as possible. The forum that we are currently in is where I would post your question. The url is here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=319
  3. Hey bud, you may have a quicker response by the PBBans staff if you create your own thread instead of hijacking a thread. If you create your own thread, the admins can see your name as the author instead of using this thread with it showing me as the author.
  4. I agree with ya Road, the B&S website is a reputable place to get info, but yeah anybody that downloads any configs most definitely need to do some research on all of the CVAR settings to make sure they won't get kicked and/or banned from servers that have the standard PB set up.....not referring to you BOTA, I'm just stating that people should be VERY VERY careful when downloading another player's config file to use as their own.
  5. The only problem with turning on free spectate is it allows all dead players to spectate all alive players, even those on the opposing team. I, along with many others, begged and pleaded with IW to allow the COD2 type spectate modes but it fell on deaf ears unfortunately.
  6. I have also seen and used that config while playing. Some servers will definitely kick you for using quite a few cvars that fall out of the ranges provided by the server configs. Basically that server config makes your game run as efficiently as possible by turning everything down as low as possible. And I absolutely agree with Hugin that you should ALWAYS be weary of using anything like that config unless you understand each cvar changed, and how it affects your game, because some server admins may perm ban you for getting kicked from their server, thinking you were trying to cheat on their server. Those server admins are well within their right to ban anybody they feel are breaking their server rules.
  7. Thanks Fozzer, VERY much appreciated. And thanks a ton for being so quick. I will be back wearing [ETS] tags very soon.
  8. This is intended for a PBBans Admin. I am trying to remove the team name and game tags so I can join a new clan and be active once again in the PBBans community. I tried to remove them myself, but find myself unable to do so. So, if an admin can contact me on this ASAP I would be most grateful. Thanks in advance, Crazy56
  9. I understand that, but do you have any US leagues set up or is the league based in UK? You guys should work on creating a UK league and a US league. I'm only asking that because most Americans hate playing on UK servers because their ping is usually well over 100.
  10. I Googled the hack # and I found quite a few people caught with the same hack, I also believe it to be a valid bust. Hopefully you do the right thing and say bye bye to the hacking critter.
  11. Looks that way to me as well.
  12. I'm not sure if the private hack that was sent to me a few days ago was the same one you tried referring to in the first post (I will not post the name here either), but I was able to send 2 rather expensive private hacks to EvenBalance. So hopefully they will be detected in the near future with a PB update....and hopefully one was the one you referred to. If you ever have one sent to you, first NEVER install it or open it in any way. Second, email it to [email protected]. Third, immediately delete it from your system and recycle bin.
  13. Hugin, I don't see a person having any advantage using their scroll wheel up or down for their melee. I was referring to players who use the scroll wheel as their attack on semi-auto weapons does give them an advantage because it changes the rate of fire.
  14. MUCH agreed, there are far too many causes for black screenshots to ever to be able to prove it's a cheat. I think these white PBSS are in the same boat. However, these are the first white PBSS I have ever seen. I just wonder if the player has a solid white desktop image and this is a PBSS of it.
  15. I, too, have my melee bound to my mouse wheel (click, not scroll). I just find that easier than searching for a key on the KB with my hand. I don't find that it gives me any advantage whatsoever. HOWEVER, just like most in here and at PsB, I find binding the scroll wheel (up & down) as your attack button does give you a huge advantage over people who have theirs set to their left or right mouse button (as normal). Using your scroll wheel makes the semi-auto weapons fire as fast as any fully-auto weapon. Therefore, my clan as well as the gaming organization I work for, we consider that a cheat. And Tabasco? There is a program called FUD Bind Kicker (From the PsB website) that can be set up to automatically kick players using such a key bind. The FUD Bind Kicker can be adjusted to kick or log anybody using any CVAR you want to keep off your servers. It's really a nice tool to have, and it causes no lag on the server. It's 3rd party software that you run remotely on your own PC. It also causes your PC no lag either....at least none that I have noticed on my machine. I simply see the FUD Bind Kicker as just 1 more line of defense against the cheating community which should rot in hell.
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