The first thing is totally screwing my America's Army up, Im on the most recent version of AA and updated PB, till the last update - which now kicks me from games because I don't have a updated graphics card - but my graphics card is updated till its lastest version, and now I cannot play AA. Now, im confused, why cant I play because of my graphics card, when I could of before
-[invalidGFXATIR0]- is the only thing I can give you guys.
I've contacted AA on teir forums, and even evenbalance, they haven't a scooby (if this isn't true I must of emailed someone different O.O)
And now I come to you guys. Any help ?
This is a nooblike question, but me and my mate were having a discussion and wondered (dont ask how we got to this subject) but could you glitch on a unranked server? JUst for fun or whatever or to show you how ridiculous some glitches are in some games.
I wouldnt do it in a ranked server (thats stupid I want to play games till dawn does me death) but im just wondering.