We have an americas amry server and apparently were streaming to you.
But seems that were having some errors in log file. I would like to as if this is normal, or we missed something when we setup streaming.
This is the log were having at start.
PB UCON Profile added type=1 mask="" name="pbbans"
PB UCON Session #1 Opened [] type=1 name="pbbans" key=
But then this error message pops up.
PB UCON Session #1 Header Mismatch "pbbans"@
Nevertheless we are streaming and we receive bans.
PB UCON "pbbans"@ [PB_SV_BanGUID 97a90fdc0cc6d07f1d4c7617da5123e1 "RudolfoShock" "" "PBBansHub!PB HACK"]
Perhaps someone could tell me something about this “Header Mismatch” error.
Kindly regards,