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Everything posted by verrichio

  1. Ok, we already know its not a "local" ban, and you folks say it isn't you, I think. So that leaves Evenbalance themselves right? Do one of you fine admins here know a way to find out if I have a ban there? Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
  2. How do I find out. arent u guys the same team? and what is a local ban?
  3. I was trying enter the [oddballs]weapons cache server ip and it said i was permently banned by punkbuster. Server admin says its a pb ban not his. Is this possible when no bans are present? What is it that is telling his server I am banned by pb? You must forgive me I am unfamiliar. I know I had a previous ban here for an incompatible video issue with an old computer, but it was revoked and I am showing clean in ban search now. Is this connected?
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