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Everything posted by raptorx2

  1. I have been told that PB is the weakest cheat protection available. I have also been told that the Quake engine, as used in CoD/UO, is the easiest game engine out there to cheat on. My UO server server streams to both PBBans as well as PunksBusted, how well protected is it really? I would like to hear any and all opinions on these topics. Thanks for any input :) Rap
  2. He uses ntl, cable, 2 meg. His brother uses ntl, also, but does not have the issue. (1/4 mile away) His brother-in-law uses AOL. Another uses bt from farther up north, with no issues. So far, he is the only one.... Thanks again for the help!!!! Rap
  3. Nope.... he was in for 20 minutes before he was kicked, same error as in the screenshot I posted.... He put in a trouble ticket, with evenbalance 2 days before I did, me as an admin, him as a player. No response for him, they responded to mine saying he would have to fill out a ticket and work directly them... :huh: So again.... any suggestions are welcome... Rap
  4. Hey'a, Thanks for taking a look!!! I hope to have a few games with him today. He was on last night for maybe half an hour, and nothing happened, but sometimes he would play for an hour or longer without incident, sometimes only 10 minutes. Is there anything we can do to his pc? We have kind of a "brother clan" where we all play sometimes, I know they don't stream, but I know PB kicks him from that server also, and I have no control of that server. He is from England, in the Leeds area I believe... his brother, and brother-in-law, all live within a couple of miles, and they don't have any issues, so I don't "think" it's a connection issue... Any suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for the help, will keep you updated... Rap
  5. Thanks for the reply, I added exactly what you have told me to here. Now when I log on via rcon and type pb_sv_restart, it says PB server is currently diabled. In the rcon panel you can see it getting the guid from pb server, and a few other things from PB. I guess I am confused as to why it would say pb server is disabled if it is making those checks and kicking my mate. I know i should google it and read, but with 4 kids running around here, distractions are unlimited and time is very limited... :rolleyes: Also is restarting the server, also restarting PB server?
  6. I do not see that setting anywhere in my pbsv.cfg. after reading more about this, I will add: pb_sv_md5toolfreq 10 to my pbsv.cfg Does that sound right? or should that number be higher or lower? Also, should it be placed in the pbsv.cfg. or the pbsvuser.cfg?
  7. He is still waiting to hear from them.... I am just looking for suggestions.... I have been there now a couple of times, and this is the error message he gets....
  8. We have 1 clan member, who was playing on the server (CoD/UO) with no problems. After the pb udate, and all of the hassles that came with it, he will be playing with us for a while.. and then on his end his game freezes up completely. He cannot get out of his game any other way then to push the reset button, and reboot his pc. On our end we see a pb kick message which is this: PunkBusterClient: Removing "blah blah" d46d (0 minutes) General PBClient Authentication Failure-Reinstall Punkbuster if problem persits. It is the same message every time. He has ran both ubdate tools from evenbalance.com He has disabled all firewalls and antivirus. This is a random thing, no set times or intervals. He has completely uninstalled and reinstalled COD, and UO. I'm kind'a at a loss on this one... Any suggestions???? Rap
  9. Is this all I need to do, to start streaming??? or is there more to it? My server's Ip is Call of Duty United Offensive I followed your instructions on the Gamservers.com Forum.
  10. My server's Ip is Call of Duty United Offensive
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