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    PTGN Sydney and Perth
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    Soldier of Fortune 2
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  1. all keygen guids are banned - server no longer functional :)
  2. shoo


    if i remember correctly, this is an ip setting in your cfg. i used to have this when i didnt explain to the server that the game was for the interent rather than a 192.168 network hope this helps
  3. you can't really ban people for scripts surely? i have a script that changes the colour of my crosshair and its size. if people think that leaning or dancing scripts help - good luck to them. The speed at which these scripts work, work in your favour if you have good aim skills. scripting is part of the game. if you want to help your server, limit player fps to 125. That way, known open advantages like 333 fps jumps and silent walking will be a thing of the past. scripts dont make the player - aim and game play do. banning for a script is like banning a player because his graphic card and ram are better than yours. shoo :P
  4. no - only bannable ones
  5. PTGN uses AliasFinder - when violation is added to AF it kicks players and calls them a cheating haxxor :D
  6. i think you missed my point here: the GUID AUTH server only confirms if the GUID is legitimate or not. I only want the sevrer back up so i can auto kick non genuine keys. banning keys is something totally different. If Raven could give me a copy of the AUTH server I could resolve 99.99% of all my problems in 2 minutes. shoo
  7. I did it manually as per PM - thanks chap - all good shoo
  8. Hub: Game: SOF2 Clantag: n/a
  9. Hub: Game: SOF2 Clantag: n/a
  10. Hub: Game: SOF2 Clan Tag:n/a hopefully done this right. shoo
  11. It would be nice to have an up to date server with a decent set of cfg's before streaming thanks. shoo p.s - sorry for naming hack - my bad ;)
  12. I dont see a real issue with the single as much as the problem I have with keygen GUID's now being able to play on our servers. We have more hackers than ever because we cannot authenticate the GUID's created. Can someone not run the master server on a different IP and Port and ask PB to configure pb to check cdkeyver again. shoo
  13. Hello All, I am new to your forums, but not the SOF2 community. I have read your forums and find myself asking some questions. We have a hack running riot in Australia called "*****" or "*****" We are running a series of MD5Tool and CVAR checks but cannot stop this hack. Does anyone have a pair of PB cfg files we could test in Aus. I am particulary interested in pbsv.cfg and pbsvuser.cfg files. I can provide anyone a copy of our cfg files for cross reference. My concern only comes from the fact that none of you discuss this hack in the forums: so either you have combatted this hack or you dont know its out there. Your help would be appreciated considerably. shoo Head Admin PTGN Sydney Head Admin PTGN Perth Head Admin sof2.com.au Tournament Admin OGN Australia
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