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About {BH}MisterGiter

  • Birthday 01/15/1981

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  • Location
    Lafayette, Indiana

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    Bounty Hunterz
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  • Game Played
    Battlefield 2
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Well the "new" <--owner loves PBBans and knows that it doesn't cause lag on the server like the previous one thought. :poke:
  2. Lead I know you have had issues with EA and even our clan for not enforcing kicks/bans on that negative G whatever. My account got hacked up so I know first hand where you are coming from. I even created a new account, and they got control of it too. I just moved into a new apartment, and while my computer sat on the floor unplugged from the wall I get a call from one of my administrators saying {BH}MisterGiterremoved is playing on a stat padding server. I put in a support ticket to EA on the 27th of Jan. and no reply yet. I think you are wrong that they don't care, because if they didn't care, these guys here at PBBans wouldn't put forth so much effort towards a worthless battle against hackers. Look past the game a bit and see what is really going on here, hacking is a crime, whether it's your computer or the account servers that hold our stats and not to mention our emails that are tied to them. See the real picture dude, that's all I'm saying.
  3. Oh no problem man. I know you guys/gals have things laid out the best way possible. We ran pb_sv_uconlist or something of that nature and we got no responses at all. One thing that I noticed that was different was that when I ran pb_sv_restart it didn't affect any players in the game, in our past servers when I ran that command line it kicked clients from the server, when I ran it yesterday during the setup proccess it didn't do anything. I am almost positive the server isn't responding to pb commands.
  4. Our organization has donated to this site for the mere fact that it is volunteer ran and not to mention the free service you provide. As far as the streaming problem goes, all previous setups on various servers that I have performed have been done flawlessly. On this particular server I have ran the setup several times using the FTP method and the BF2CC method, with no luck at all. I do know which button to use in BF2CC as I double-checked everything repeatedly. When I type in the first command in the setup process it does not write those files to the FTP as they are not there. I checked our old server's FTP (which is in a cancellation proccess) and the files required to stream are still there, even with pbsv.cfg screenshot settings to our liking still remain. Since my eyes can only see as far as the file not being written into our server's FTP, I figured it would be best to cover all bases on this issue by contacting both Pbbans and our server's host, hence this forum topic. This might be an issue that Pbbans is not aware of and might ease some minds in the future. After our server gets reinstalled I will try the BF2CC setup once more and will let you know of the results.
  5. I do apologize that I'm not a PBbans Hub Streaming Master, but I'll keep you up-to-date with my progress. :rolleyes: THe last three servers we had, the streaming went smoothly. The only difference is that on this server that we are setup with now needed Punkbuster to be updated manually. We got ftp access to the server to update PB which went smoothly. Now we just can't get it to work, tried the FTP method and the BF2CC method and nothing. I am thinking it must be an issue with pb folder permissions, could that be the problem?
  6. I tried setting up our BF2 server to stream to the hub using the BF2CC client and after entering all the commands line by line, I went into the ftp and the pbsv.cfg and the pbucon.use files aren't there. Any idea why? Oh, I tried the FTP method and no luck.
  7. Oops the server shows it is streaming, I suppose you can disregard this post. Sorry about that.
  8. HUB Battlefield 2 {BH}
  9. {BH}AMIRITE Thanks in advance.
  10. Thanks in advance! ! ! BF2 need to add server
  11. Ah sorry about that I'm gonna have to double check to see what his username is exactly.
  12. Add these two admins to our account. userid= CombatRsq userid= Chief15 Thanks!!
  13. I'll keep this short, gotta give props to the hub saves us admins a ton of grief. Some people here can be a bit crabby due to the lack of knowledge of hacks such as myself. Most of you guys/gals are very supportive and friendly. Keep doing what you do! Thanks.
  14. Roger that, the auto ss is working. Thanks for all the help! Much appreciated. :D
  15. Ok I got that taken care of, now for my last noob question LOL, I'm in the game and I need to take screenies of everyone, can I do that or do I have to do a screenie one by one, and if so on either what would the commands be? You all have been much help thanks!
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