Lead I know you have had issues with EA and even our clan for not enforcing kicks/bans on that negative G whatever. My account got hacked up so I know first hand where you are coming from. I even created a new account, and they got control of it too. I just moved into a new apartment, and while my computer sat on the floor unplugged from the wall I get a call from one of my administrators saying {BH}MisterGiterremoved is playing on a stat padding server. I put in a support ticket to EA on the 27th of Jan. and no reply yet. I think you are wrong that they don't care, because if they didn't care, these guys here at PBBans wouldn't put forth so much effort towards a worthless battle against hackers. Look past the game a bit and see what is really going on here, hacking is a crime, whether it's your computer or the account servers that hold our stats and not to mention our emails that are tied to them. See the real picture dude, that's all I'm saying.