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Everything posted by Exhail

  1. I should have guessed as much. Sierra/VU aren't the brightest businessmen. It's almost as though they're deliberately trying to have this franchise fail.
  2. This is beyond ridiculous. They just dropped the game that people actually play (relatively speaking, anyway), for a game that has no server support. What good is having punkbuster support when you can't even play the game on a real server? Way to put the nail in the coffin, evenbalance.
  3. Team account = Hell Bound Soldiers FEAR Account ID = 739 Forum users to add: B1rd (http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showuser=111247) J-Rock (http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showuser=111236) khawaja91 (http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showuser=111246) Thanks :)
  4. Site is awesome, admin panel is a breeze and makes adding servers way easy. Keep up the good work.
  5. Yeah, I put in a TT as well and they haven't even acknowledged it at all. :(
  6. Done. Everything is streaming now. Thank you for your help and your fast reply. Cheers!
  7. Please initiate hub streaming on the following 4 servers: COD1 - COD1 - COD2 - COD2 - Clan Tag <HBS> Account ID 739 Thank you very much. We might even have some more for you in a week or two.
  8. Please add Moobs to id 739 I love you
  9. Rcon commands issued.. still not sure if it's working correctly.
  10. I'd like to add a call of duty server to our streaming server account Call of Duty 1 <HBS> Hellbound Soldiers www.hbsclan.org More may follow within a months time.
  11. How about now? I reconfigured one of them but my PBBANS sig says that both are streaming. Confused I am.
  12. Thanks a lot, we appreciate your streamyness. q:]]
  13. Hub Game: FEAR Clantag; <HBS> Hub Game: FEAR Clantag; <HBS> Thanks :)
  14. Clan Tag: <HBS> Clan Name: Hell Bound Soldiers Clan Website: http://hbsclan.org/reg.php?reg=FEAR Game Server IP Address and Port: <HBS> TWL MATCH: <HBS> RECRUITING: Game played: F.E.A.R. I'm the Commander of the <HBS> fear regiment. I have admin over the server, the punkbuster webtool, and full FTP access. We already stream to punksbusted but would like to multistream as PBBANS seems to be the better Master Ban Index (MBI) in the FEAR community. Give me a shout if you need to know anything else, I'll be happy to reply.
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