I wasn't sure where to put this but i've been banned for a known hack.. let me introduce myself my gaming name is =MLK=0verdose I have been playing EnemyTerritory for over a year now and have become pretty damn good all my skills ingame are all natural I have played in TWL and scrim with many other clans on a regular basis... I went on vacation from May 25th to June 8th and I come back to find out i was banned from one of the regular Servers I play -=WarTorn=- Baserace Only So I posted in they're forums to find out the reason because when i tried to connect it said just I was banned by server admin, this is what they found for me..
I can assure you I have never used a hack and never will they are for lamers, this is what i think what happened, My 18year old brotherinlaw was watching my house and cat while i was on vacation and he must have downloaded the hack and deleted all traces of it cause i cant find anything out of the ordinary, anyways so i uninstalled ET and deleted any folders and registry entries for it and reinstalled just to be on the safe side. I'd be willing to install any software or do anything to prove my worth, even to the point of allowing someone to do remote assistance so they could manually check my system, plz help me with this because ET is one of the few things that help me release some stress at the end of a long work day and dealing with my 2 kids. I can assure you Erik my brotherinlaw will never touch this PC again 1 strike he's out, don't mess with my ET...
I have busted many a hackers too about 30 i'm sure thats nothing compared to you guys but thats quite a bit for the short time i've been playing ET
here's the post in the wartorn forums
Any help with this would be much appreciated and thanks for your time.