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    ISI Christian Clan
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    Battlefield 2
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  1. Method 1 (easy) Download ModernRcon 0.2 after joining up on www.codhq.com's forums. This version was just released yesterday. It is specifically for COD4, and now has auto messaging abilty. The downside is you have to keep the tool up and running for the messages to scroll. Method 2 (a little more involved, but not dependent on client side Rcon tools to run) From evenbalance.com: PB_SV_Task [X] [Y] [command] Adds a task to PB's Task List; The Task will be executed X seconds after entry and every Y seconds thereafter; use -1 for Y if a one-time task is desired; this can be used to execute game server commands as well as PB commands Create a file called (just an example, you can call it anything you want) svrmsgs.cfg. Add this text to it and edit for your needs using the explanation above from evenbalance.com: pb_sv_taskempty // Task setup for PunkBuster //where <color> = //^1 for Red //^2 for Green //^3 for Yellow //^4 for Blue //^5 for Cyan //^6 for pink/Magenta //^7 for White //^8 for Black //where <message> = the text you want to scroll pb_sv_task 10 1000 "say <color><message1>" pb_sv_task 100 1100 "say <color><message2>" pb_sv_task 200 1200 "say <color><message3>" pb_sv_task 300 1300 "say <color><message4>" pb_sv_task 400 1400 "say <color><message5>" Then upload the svrmsgs.cfg file to your pb directory on the server, and edit your pbsv.cfg file to call the svrmsgs.com by adding "pb_sv_load svrmsgs.cfg" Finally, do a pb_sv_restart and you should see your messages start to scroll after the first X value of seconds has passed.
  2. Team account = [iSI] Iron Sharpens Iron Christian Clan Account ID = 732 Please add broken. (111845) thanks
  3. Team account = [iSI] Iron Sharpens Iron Christian Clan Account ID = 732 Please add grydragon (111374) thanks
  4. Nice job, guys!
  5. Team account = [iSI] Iron Sharpens Iron Christian Clan Account ID = 732 Please add MuzzleFlash74 (110335) thanks
  6. Team account = [iSI] Iron Sharpens Iron Christian Clan Account ID = 732 Please add comando888 (110462) thanks
  7. Thank you for the clarification. So, I guess there is no need to have Enforce Bans and Accept Hub Bans set at the same time as they are for different purposes. :P
  8. If I may revive this thread for one more quick clarification. Sorry, but my servers need all the performance they can get so I have to ask. Are you saying that there is no performance gain to be had by running a local banlist generated from your MBI, when the Enforce Bans flag is set?
  9. Team account = [iSI] Iron Sharpens Iron Christian Clan Account ID = 732 Please add kingcoyote (110326) thanks
  10. Team account = [iSI] Iron Sharpens Iron Christian Clan Account ID = 732 Please add TheMr (109900) and HudsonHawk (109481) thanks
  11. My bad, guys. I thought there was a difference in a team account vs. a streaming server account. I will be posting for the addition of several admin accounts soon. Thanks and sorry for the hassle.
  12. Hello, excellent job you guys are doing here. I don't believe I have a team account yet, but I do have the appropriate fields filled out in my profile. We are currently streaming the following servers: I do not understand what needs to happen to give other admins in my clan access to this team account. Can you point me to the procedure for getting additional admins added. Thanks again. I am trying to gather some donations from our clan and give you guys some support for the great job you are doing.
  13. Hub Game: Battlefield 2 Clantag: [iSI] Thanks
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