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    international strike force
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    Battlefield 2
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  1. sure thing, they wont be welcome on our server, neways im trying to get it streaming but it seems to not be working... i tried the commands given still and not working hopfully in time I will get it to work, PS like the siggy? :P made it myself im starting to get good at this photoshop :D
  2. I do believe both servers definatly one was streaming and they dont have anything like a SS its just if some1 is a good player on BF2 then they instantly are a cheat, its not like that CSS where you can actually watch what that player is watching and tell by that that they are cheating its allot harder to prove to them that you dont cheat on battlefield 2, i did take it all as a compliment at first but, its takin the p**s now with all this abuse, i have now blocked them from MSN Site and Xfire so hopfully they wont contact me again, I have even sent fraps and screenshots of my gamplay to them but that just didnt work. Cheers for replys :).
  3. Ok here is my situation, I have had BF2 for ages almost since it came out in what 2005 or 6 cant actually remember, however recently I have been playing allot more than often as i have my own clan and clan server/site that i run with a m8 of mine, and my previous clans are now saying because i have got good for my rank I'm a hacker, iv have never hacked any PC game!, and i love bf2 allot i even spent just under £2000 on my PC so i could be able to play it smooth with high graphics on without lag or crashes. Thing is, they say your a hack and cos there is a clan there is more of them, and its like my word vs there's, its starting to get annoying first i took it as a compliment cos i was doing well now its getting abusive and stupid cos I'm not even cheating but any ideas or ways i can prove to them 100% I'm not cheating cos its kinda getting me down and wanting to quit this game, my stats aren't that good but here they are http://bf2s.com/player/58661434/ any ideas how i can prove to them? cos i really would like to, just to stop all this abuse being thrown at me for nothing.
  4. done it the command came up pink and it said in log Custom Command Executed: exec pb_sv_uconlist
  5. ok i did what that download told me to do with all commands and they seem to have worked but.. now its saying server is not in Hub any ideas?
  6. can this work on deamon also? cos i cant seem to get it streaming
  7. Hub Server IP: Clan Site: www.international-strike-force.co.uk Game: Battlefield 2 Clantag: «ISF»
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