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    Dont mess with me Bitches
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  1. Road warrior I m not a prick or any of those things you said. And an admin is not kicking me. And Im not from France Im from Usa, Newyork. This is the reason I get kicked. disallowed program/driver. But I have no hacks in my computer. People took pbss of me. There were no hacks. So help me out.
  2. Your really gonna get pissed but how do I get guid.
  3. Ok here is the problem. I load et and I go play on a server. After like 2 minutes I get kicked. I reconnect and ask the people what reason I get kicked. They say drive hacks or something. But I never hacked. You can take pbss of me I have no hacks. I even checked my etmain and I have no hacks so plaese help me.
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