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Everything posted by Smurfette

  1. OK thanks for that, thats all I needed to know that the ss was not due to a hack. I do know that none of us used a gametool to join the other server, so why only this particular player turned up with a ss like this will remain a mystery. Thanks again.
  2. OK....so you have seen this sort of thing before ? Why did no other players insignia show up in a ss tho ? We had all moved from another server to our training server, so I can understand the caching, just cant understand why no other player had the same sort of ss thats all, plus the admins had never seen a ss like this one, thats why it was brought to my attention.
  3. Hi, Can someone please help me with this screenshot. I am a co owner of an honest clan, and this screenshot is of a member. If he is hacking, we dont want him in our clan. The little pic in the right hand corner is our clan insignia, only problem is this guys ss is the only one who showed up like this, and we all have the insignia. The server we were training on does not have our insignia in their files. Many thanks in advance for any help, it is appreciated. |SA|Smurfette
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