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About edwin08

  • Birthday 09/08/1986

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    PC videogames,street racing,soccer players and hang out with my friends.
  • Location
    Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo

Clan / Team / League Information (Optional)

  • Name
    Twisted Minds Foundation
  • Tag
  • Game Server IP Address and Port
  • Game Played
    Enemy Territory
  • Website
  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Owning @ our |TMF| server

  2. Thanks guys for the help and for stream again that server I want to specially thanks you: Fozzer you always have been very helpful with out clan |TMF| and we say again thanks buddy and all of the PBbans team are doing a excellent job keep up that work. :D :)
  3. Hi guys this is a request to see if we are able to stream a server that was previously banned from pbbans due the fact that the server was stoped and nobody from our team informed or removed the server from pbbans and now the server was turn back on and we want to know what we can do to stream it again with PBans because when we tried to add it to: Account Manager - Add Server it says the following: Server is banned from pbbans. All attempts are logged and reported to PBBans Staff Can you guys please help us or let us know what we can do to make it stream again with you guys and thanks in advance. Account ID: 790 Name: TwistedMindsFoundation Tag: |TMF| Server ip: Port:27970 Server Name: |TMF|SNIPER Recruiting (old name was: |TMF|France)
  4. Thanks men I will send it to you by email and sorry to bother you but I need to fix this issue!!. Thanks again buddy and you and the rest of the crue from PBbans are doing and amazing job. ;)
  5. This is what it shows: (V1.285 | A1382 C1.152) ENABLE
  6. Hey Fozzer we removed this server: because we were having a lot of problems with it but now this server: ([TMF] XPSAVE ) doesn't want to stream and I have tried everything could you give some help please men!!. It doesn't want to stream and I tried this at the moment: pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use pb_sv_restart WAIT 30 SECONDS pb_sv_usessionlimit 2 pb_uconadd 1 pbbhub pbbhub pb_sv_autoupdban 1 pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver pb_sv_writecfg And nothing happened!!! Then I tried this one also with the Rcon: rcon_pb_sv_update WAIT 90 SECONDS rcon_pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use rcon_pb_sv_restart WAIT 20 SECONDS rcon_pb_sv_task 50 3600 pb_sv_ver rcon_pb_sv_usessionlimit 3 rcon_pb_sv_autoupdban 1 rcon_pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbhub pbbhub rcon_pb_sv_writecfg Hey men please help me out because honestly I don't know what else to do. I will appreciate a lot if you could give me a solution to get it streaming!!!.
  7. Thanks buddy I add them and they should be up and running but they still are not showing me that they are streaming. ;)
  8. Hey guys we are requesting if is posible to add 2 more servers to our account. Account id: 790 Name: TwistedMindsFoundation Tag: |TMF| 1.- International Server IP: Port: 27990 2.- Soldier France IP: Port: 27970 Thanks guys!!. :D
  9. After we turn off one of our servers for maintanance and did a downgrade from Jaymod 2.60 to Jaymod 2.55 and turn it back on teh server was not streaming at all with the PB HUB and I check the trouble shooting to send heart beats to the PB hub server but it didn't worked I need some assistance please and thanks in advance for the help.!! Account ID: 790 Name: twistedmindsfoundation.com Tag: |TMF| SERVER NAME: |TMF| Soldier France SERVER IP:
  10. Thanks Benway I appreciate!! :D :D
  11. one of our servers stop streaming after we did some updates on the server could you please reactivate the streaming on our server please.!! account id: 790 name: twistedmindsfoundation tag: TMF server ip: Thanks in advance.!!
  12. Thanks to you guys for creating such a great website and services we the admins of servers are able to be more calm from hackers and cheaters and also thanks to you guys at least we could have or honest and real players in our servers without getting worried of those anoying players (cheaters & hackers).!! :D
  13. Thanks Bneway for the help.!! ;)
  14. HI, We would like to add another server to our account please! NEW SERVER IP: [TMF] SOLDIER FRANCE Our Account id: 790 Our Name: twistedmindsfoundation.com Thanks in advance!! B)
  15. Thanks Fozzer for adding Dliwehtfollac which by the way if you are curious it means (Dliwehtfollac) backwords:call of the wild . I say thanks in behalf of our clan.!! :D
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