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About scousejohno

  • Birthday 07/06/1974

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    Battlefield 3
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  1. Glad it's not just our servers then, good luck with getting this resolved. I dont know where we would be without the talent and commintment from this great site/service.
  2. yup all sorted after another fresh install from scratch! Thanks Fozz
  3. Had both of our servers rebuilt today. Main server: added a fresh pbucon and pbsv file, which was downloaded today added to server and now punkbuster wont run on the server. match server: not touched anything and pb is running. So i would suggest that this is no longer an issue with the GSP but an issue with either of the files downloaded from pbbans today?
  4. The GSP added the commnand line in, and the problem still exists. Any ideas?
  5. Thanks Fozz, i have raised a ticket with our GSP...
  6. Been through the help files, reinstalled pbucon etc. Used the rcon commands to try and get it going, no response. Fozzer has been kind enough to give me pointers etc, he remarked that the server punkbuster is not enabled, im not sure if this refers to: seta sv_punkbuster "1" We have pb on as far as i can tell. I dont really have much time atm due to other non game requirements and forthcoming exams in a few days, so any help would be greatly appreciated. I would be willing to give our rcon password to any admin here to review what the issue may be.
  7. Found it under Main. ban.txt thanks
  8. Thanks May, I will go have a look now, i used modern rcon and i just the player ban option.
  9. If i manually ban somebody on my own server for purposely tk'ing etc, does anybody know where that gets saved to? I have a problematic player, which i would like to remove permanently.
  10. Thanks May interesting! Im still waiting on Rackage to get my server up, getting a bit fed up waiting now tbh, is HLSW the RCON tool for COD4?
  11. Admin scousejohno Clan name mature-gamer.com Clan =MGUK=
  12. Thanks fozz, I have noted that i am using an older version of the HUB, is there a guide for updating the hub to 065 or do i just do a fresh install?
  13. Im i right in understanding that the HUB (When using the update all facility) will update/add all the latest MD5 checks etc V0.44? I am having problems today updating any of the servers, however i beleive this is a problem with the GSP's DNS.
  14. OoOps i found it. Silly hangovers
  15. Could somebody point me towards official images from PBbans, that we can display on our website. I have had a look about, but cant find anything official.
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