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Everything posted by AmCorp

  1. Ciao :) Allora, vuoi impostare lo streaming attraverso comandi RCON oppure tramite FTP? FTP: Scarica questo file; Mettili nella cartella /pb del tuo server; Riavvia PunkBuster (pb_sv_restart); Aggiungi il server al tuo account qui. RCON: [*]Invia tutti i comandi che seguono al server: pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use pb_sv_restart Aspetta circa 10-30 secondi pb_sv_USessionLimit 8 pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 pb_sv_writecfg [*]E' auspicabile inviare alcuni secondi dopo il comando pb_sv_ver; cos
  2. +1 :P
  3. Just guessing, probably you do not have Enforce Bans - The Hub will check guids of the connecting players against the MBI. If a match is found, it issues a ban command. If your co-admin empties your banlist, a caught cheater will not be able to join the server. This may also help to reduce lag on your server.1 or Accept PB Bans - Allow hub to update servers banlist. You should untick this option if you ticked 'Enforce Bans' 2 enabled on your server(s). For more information, see http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#hubflags
  4. Good luck with your life, and thanks for the good work you had done here :)
  5. You need to upload those files to /pb folder. Did you follow this guide?
  6. This is actually strange.. http://www.ip2location.com/
  7. Congratulations! :) And happy birthday!
  8. AmCorp


    VSTR command is used "to make loops"... I can't find any other word to describe VSTR better than that.
  9. Yes, you can stream them to PBBans. To get your guid, open your game console and type /pb_myguid while connected on a PunkBuster protected server :)
  10. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=435 Go there, and use Search function :)
  11. The title says it: For what reason I am no longer a SGA? Thanks
  12. Do you get kicked for "Ignoring md5tool queries" or "VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) #9002"?
  13. Great :)
  14. Well done :)
  15. I don't mean to start a debate or to argue, but punkbuster is not a malware ... maybe once it was spyware but they assured it's not any more. Also, PB it's not useless -> how there could be 85,281 ban(s) in the MBI otherwise?
  16. http://crysiswarhead.ea.com/blogs/news/arc...tion-f-a-q.aspx :P
  17. I guess you didn't read the forum name... News Center > Community News
  18. First of all NO ONE but EvenBalance SHOULD TEST CHEATS! If you have cheat related information you should send them to [email protected] and NOT test it by yourself. If you could post the last 8 digits of his GUID we could tell more, though.
  19. Un caloroso saluto a tutti gli utenti di PBBans ;) Chiunque desideri ottenere aiuto in italiano pu
  20. Donated ;)
  21. To whoever it may concern, if you add on your Google Adsense code google_safe = 'high'; you should be able to avoid such advertisements, or at least get less of them.
  22. Are you running any program in background like rivatuner or something? And, I'd suggest to run antiadware/antivirus :)
  23. I believe linked guids aren't 100% reliable.
  24. Just making sure, you want to ban the character "*"?
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