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Everything posted by AmCorp

  1. This is your problem! I got the same error too, and honestly I didn't anything and after some time it just "disappeared". Anyway, I would reccomend to try to play WITHOUT your antivirus enabled and see if you get kicked for that problem. Other programs that might cause such problem are other antiviruses, winamp or other software firewalls.
  2. :lol: I hope it's fine for PBBans staff.
  3. Do you use Windows Vista?
  4. <form method="post" action="http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php"> <b>Check GUID at PBBans</b> <br /> <input name="guid" type="text" maxlength="32" onFocus="if (this.value.substring(0,5)=='Enter') { this.value=''; }" value="Enter GUID" class="formitem"> <br /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="12"> <b><span class="text-green-11">(8 or 32 characters)</span></b> <br /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Check GUID" class="formitem"> </form> This one? Oke, I've had some time and I made this one: http://www.wolfensteinitalia.com/pbbans.html Check it out ;) Below you can find the source that you can freely use:
  5. MPI is restricted for SGA only, I believe.
  6. that can be surely done, if pbbans authorize it.
  7. Uh, oh. I do not understand your question.
  8. No problem :) There is also a Google Toolbar version: Add "PBBans.com GUID Search" to Google Toolbar!
  9. If you would stream with your servers to PBBans, you would have Master Player Index access, and with that you could attempt to track those people who is hacking your server. However, check your server logs. If you don't know how, or you can't find it, contact your hoster. Then, ban those players. :)
  10. Good choice.
  11. People is warned on our forum, on our privacy statement and by online admins. And still we have 120 bans on our servers in less than 8 months. That's not a solution, imo.
  12. is now streaming, but I can't add it on my clan (-*WI*-) Can you do that for me? Thanks :)
  13. Tag: -*WI*- Name: The Wolfenstein Italia Foundation website: http://www.wolfensteinitalia.com/ game: ET servers: See http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29679 Want to stream PBbans? : I am already streaming Thanks :)
  14. I'd like to have that servers assigned to the -*WI*- Team. Servers should be already streaming, I hope :rolleyes: Thanks
  15. In my personal opinion, you can't ban somebody and accuse him of cheating only with a screenshot of "decent" or "good" headshot numbers. And hit and shots ratio it's 230/783.. well yes there are humanized bots but... still it doesn't mean something enough good to ban a player.
  16. I believe you can't hide Punkbuster messages.
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