UPDATE: EA has announced a release date of Cysis for November 16th.
Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS) and Crytek, award-winning developers of Far Cry, today announced that CrysisTM, will be hitting retail stores in North America and Europe on November 16, 2007 exclusively for the PC.
Crysis, the best looking game since sliced-bread, is getting a little more time in the oven.
During an EA conference call, they announced that the game has slipped to the third quarter (October - December) and expects it to release sometime in November.
[source: g4tv.com]
Well this is both bad and good news at the same time. Obviously the game is being finalized for some reason- hardware compatibility (nVidia 9800) or driver issues. So it does suck that we'll have to wait a bit longer but I'm sure when the time comes it will be well worth the wait.