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About seanw

  • Birthday 09/13/1990

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    Enemy Territory
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  1. i took ss of it kicking me http://www.xfire.com/screenshots/etproplayer/ and earlier i got kicked for game integrity for loading my cfg whats that?
  2. nope didnt work still doing it to me any other ideas?
  3. thanx
  4. ok this isnt funny no more i got kick a total of 19 times yesterday for pb init failure what is this ? its been happening on and off pfor the past month can some1 help me fix the problem?
  5. i didnt notice that i will add it in but it does not run at all is starts on braundorf swap teams at end of round then dosent change map stays and braundorf and does it sll over again i just want it to swap teams at end of round and load next map at end of 2 rounds can you help me with it?
  6. i know this has nothing to do with pb but as most of members in pbbans are clan owners and ii was wondering ifsomebody could help me with my server because my mapclycle wont work here it is STOPWATCH ROTATION //WATCHDOG set com_watchdog_cmd "vstr m1r1 ; say watchdog found no map running - restarted mapcycle" set b_mapscriptdirectory etpromapscripts set m1r1 "g_gametype 3;map braundorf_b4;set nextmap vstr m1r2" set m1r2 "map_restart 0;set nextmap vstr m2r1" set m2r1 "g_gametype 3;map frostbite;set nextmap vstr m2r2" set m2r2 "map_restart 0;set nextmap vstr m3r1" set m3r1 "g_gametype 3;map supplydepot2fix;set nextmap vstr m3r2" set m3r2 "map_restart 0;set nextmap vstr m4r1" set m4r1 "g_gametype 3;map tc_base;set nextmap vstr m4r2" set m4r2 "map_restart 0set nextmap vstr m5r1" set m5r1 "g_gametype 3;map beerun_b7a;set nextmap vstr m5r2" set m5r2 "map_restart 0;set nextmap vstr m6r1" set m6r1 "g_gametype 3;map sw_goldrush_te;set nextmap vstr m6r2" set m6r2 "map_restart 0;set nextmap vstr m7r1" set m7r1 "g_gametype 3;map frostbite;set nextmap vstr m7r2" set m7r2 "map_restart 0;set nextmap vstr m8r1" set m8r1 "g_gametype 3;map et_ice;set nextmap vstr m8r2" set m8r2 "map_restart 0;set nextmap vstr m1r1" vstr m1r1 // END STOPWATCH ROTATION can you tell me why this isnt working? or help me make a new 1 with these maps please sean
  7. it is not my server the server is run by a company called cyber games is there still away to get hes ip by not being a admin? i have hes guid can hebe caught by that?
  8. i play a game called enemy territory and for the past few days the same guy comes on this server and keeps haxing but what can i do about it i got hes guid but idk no what to do with it i just don't know thats why i come here for help please help me thanks sean
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