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Everything posted by SCE_Trashman

  1. Todays email ok but the closure issue would be best put in announcements I would think but nanyways it's fixed, thanks. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/pbbans-closure-t169356.html
  2. 1 email from 2 days ago stated "PBbans Funding" in the subject line, body was blank Another email today....subject was "PBbans Closure" and agin body was blank. I will presume PBbans email system has a virus and to ignore these. Suggest that any emails that do go out are first posted in Anouncements so we can verify.
  3. Yeah I know that what I am trying to do lmao but I cant make myself an admin to set that all up!. Seem PB needs to make another release to match up with the latest patch of Vegas and only then it might help. Thanks
  4. Thanks for a reply however we have the web server setup but it's a pain to alt tab for some of our members who do not have a 2nd monitor. Was hoping there was some way to setup an admin by creating some config file to login then the commands could be used from the console.
  5. The game I play is Vegas Looking to use PB kick commands from console within the game. I see the commands etc but no info what so ever on how to setup an admin to login so we can setup other admins etc. Is there a way? Thanks
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