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Everything posted by Terminator_otto

  1. Why should they fix the game?if you're reading to official forums all the lemmings are buying the new one.........
  2. as you can read on their website, they say that they have been asked by evenbalance not to ban the 130000 violations.....in the past they had done it..... dunno why psb is asked by eb and pbbans is not........i'm using both, and so it's fine for me!!!
  3. Hi there, does anyone know what's happen to punksbusted again???? on friday they had been live for a couple of hours, but after it, there's no heartbeat...........any news??? im asking here, cause a lot of poeple here are using their system, too......ans maybe someone has some news......thx
  4. you can do this via "bf2ra" ...just add a
  5. wie man jetzt auf evenbalance.com lesen kann, sollte das problem gel
  6. Latest update on www.evenbalance.com: Tuesday 11.27.2007 [4:15PM] Version 1.479 of the PB Server for BF2 has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This is a maintenance release. Monday 11.26.2007 [5:30PM] Version 1.471 of the PB Server for BF2 has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This version addresses incorrect restriction kicking for "Corrupt Packet Flow" during map changes. ***************************** Hope the problem is solved !!!! Haven't tried it on my own so far....
  7. habe auch an eb geschrieben...dies ist die antwort: 11/25/2007 15:10:16 - "Hendrik Thole" Note #2: We are aware of the issue and hope to have an update out to resolve it soon. auf deutsch: sie haben keine ahnung......unser server ist mittlerweile richtig abgerutscht, da dieser mindestens den halben tag leersteht (wir hatten vorher duchschnittlich 11/20 spielern, jetzt noch 7/20)...schon sehr
  8. usually you have to restart your game complety & you can play again (this happend to me & 3 clanmates on friday night)..... our server is now empty for 1/2 a day, cause this F****g Kick........ here's what evenbalance told me on my trouble ticket: 11/25/2007 15:10:16 - "Hendrik Thole" Note #2: We are aware of the issue and hope to have an update out to resolve it soon. wich really means: "WE DONT'T HAVE ANY IDEA ABOUT THIS KICK!!!!!"......... in bf 2 had been so much trouble in the last couple of weeks about punkbuster (since pnkbstr a&B) soi hope that this issue will not be the end for bf2........... it seems to me, that evenbalance is now suporting too much games, and they cant fully konzentrate on their supported games......what's your opinion??
  9. bei uns trat am wochenende der selbe fehler auf..........seid ihr auch bei k-play??
  10. ist eine modifikation,die du f
  11. The only answer is YES !!!! Cause it doesn't make so much more work for you as an admin, and if i see our BF 2 server, we now got 10000+ Bans for battlefield 2 !!!!!! The second thing is that you've got the latest chaet checks from both sides (yes, they are different!!!) and so you got max security for your server........ last thing to say: BIG THANX TO BOTH SIDES FOR THEIR GREAT WORK TO THE ONLINE COMMUNITY !!!!!!!!!!
  12. Same for bf2...just go to your logs on the server............ otherwise try "aliasfinderMS" is a good tool,too (just google for it) greets
  13. hub bf 2 [GSG9] Is everthing fine for me ???? Thx in advice !!! Terminator_otto
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