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Everything posted by ImpulsivePlay3r

  1. Haha so true, the most iv'e seen up there(snipers) is 13 , it was beyond a joke.
  2. well for me to double check i sent a few EA Admins the message & waiting for a reply back then ofcourse i come to you for opinion or advice on this matter if you like, im gonna sit tight & wait on this verdict because if it is classed as a cheat then im sure bf2geeks will be more then happy to take this away, now if its allowed great job :) --EDIT-- heres the Message i got from EAUK_Omni It's a difficult one as I can't see it giving any advantage unless it allows you to turn off fog etc. It also only seems to work with 1.2 so it won't be much good now anyway. I'll forward it on just in case.
  3. ok i got the all clear from you, thanks :) its just that i got told by a few people its a 3rd party ^ the files have been tweaked which according to EA's User Agreement it isnt allowed, somethink along them lines, how can you be so sure the exe files wasnt touched tho? what im saying is can you double check for yourself & look into it, i want to be on the safe side & make sure i wont get banned because i want better Graphics. Thanks
  4. ok i understand that, but can i have a solid answer whether or not if i use these will i get banned for installing this ?a personal opinion or a professional one will be good :)
  5. OK so i found this link, its a 3rd party so i hear & makes the settings on bf2 ultra high, im not going to install this as im unaware whether you will get a global ban or hardware ban & i asked myself is that really worth it? so i want a personal opinion & informing these guys on there forums about what they done if this is illegal will be nice, to stop other people getting banned if it is some sort of hack http://majorgeeks.com/Battlefield_2_Tweaker_d4767.html
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