Any news on this? Due to a recent kick on one of our members it would be nice to have streaming to AON enabled too so i have more than one opinion ;)
Sorry if i go the wrong way here - dont have much time atm and really dont know where to put this.
Hi again,
it seems that were not streaming to AON. Is this correct? I cant find the server in their streaming search. Works fine on ACI.
Also the "admin account email-address" here should be changed to mine. Its still Mavericks address. Can i pm someone with the correct address?
Thanks in advance
Checked and it looks like i still have a misconfiguration somewhere. Sadly i can verify this earliest at the weekend.
I will keep you informed on any updates.
Please delete Maverick52 from the list, he changed the clan (didnt know he already filled out the needed info).
Will look into the streaming further, i suggest its because i first set it up to stream to ACI.
Game: AA (2.5)
Clantag: -[o]-
pb_sv_uconlist is not working - not sure if ive overseen anything.
Edit: I would like to have the logs forwarded to ACI and AON if possible.