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Everything posted by degribcha

  1. Gentlemen, THANK YOU FOR ALL THE HARD WORK YOU'VE DONE @ PBBANS. Your service saves me an awful lot of aggravation and I am appreciative. But, since we're on the topic, here goes. I responded "no" to the question about easily finding information on the site. I think the issue is the search tool in this particular forum setup. It's a little ambiguous in my opinion. That's just a little thing that I find annoying more than anything else. Second, I responded "yes" to having ideas. What about a software based utility like the Auto-MBL @ another ban list provider? Just a thought! Keep up the good work! Deg
  2. If that's the case, could you please set us up an account so that we can further secure our game server? The details are above, in the first post. Thank you for your prompt reply this morning. Deg
  3. Hey, Like to request that we stream with PBBans. Already stream with Punksbusted Master Ban Index (MBI), is that a problem? Info is: Clan Name is : CAN_AM JOINT TASK FORCE Tag is : CAN_AM Website is : http://canamjtf.net Server ip is: Thanks! DeGribcha
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