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Everything posted by IB{S.a.n.d.m.a.n}

  1. Of course, When you have to reinstall your AAO on a dedicated server do NOT save and copy the server.ini as some settings will cause unwanted results, not sure which lines, but after I used a original server.ini edited with my Honor status all works fine. Hope this helps someone sometime :)
  2. Please disregard, I solved the problem this morning...
  3. Hello @all I restarted my server today, as I do everyday and now when I try and restart AAO I get the following error in my server.log and the server just crashes: 03/22/08 17:11:31 Log: Log file open, 03/22/08 17:11:31 03/22/08 17:11:31 Init: Name subsystem initialized 03/22/08 17:11:31 Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family 5.2 (Build: 3790) 03/22/08 17:11:31 Init: Unreal Version: 3339 03/22/08 17:11:31 Init: AGP Version: 3339. 03/22/08 17:11:31 Init: Character set: Unicode 03/22/08 17:11:31 Init: Base directory: C:\Inetpub\vhosts\randell-hood.com\httpdocs\AAO\System\ 03/22/08 17:11:31 Init: Ini:server.ini UserIni:User.ini 03/22/08 17:11:31 Init: Build label: Build AmericasArmy[buildDate:2008-01-25_BuildVersion:2.8.3] 03/22/08 17:11:31 Init: Object subsystem initialized 03/22/08 17:11:33 Log: Encryption key located and validated. 03/22/08 17:11:40 Log: Reverting server to LAN mode 03/22/08 17:11:40 Log: BanListMasterServer IP not specified, skipping update attempt. 03/22/08 17:11:40 Exit: Preparing to exit. 03/22/08 17:11:40 Log: Purging garbage 03/22/08 17:11:40 Log: Unbound to Core.dll 03/22/08 17:11:40 Log: Unbound to Engine.dll 03/22/08 17:11:40 Log: Garbage: objects: 437->0; refs: 0 03/22/08 17:11:40 Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed. 03/22/08 17:11:40 Exit: Exiting. 03/22/08 17:11:40 Log: FileManager: Reading 0 GByte 0 MByte 210 KByte 241 Bytes from HD took 0.270000 seconds (0.270000 reading, 0.000000 seeking). 03/22/08 17:11:40 Log: FileManager: 0.254000 seconds spent with misc. duties 03/22/08 17:11:40 Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down 03/22/08 17:11:40 Uninitialized: Log file closed, 03/22/08 17:11:40 I tried de- installing and reinstalling with no success, server just crashes. Not sure why it always says Reverting to LAN mode??? Please help!!!
  4. Thanks, I have seen that one before, pretty good. Will give it a try.
  5. What program if any do you guys use to check your server sided SS's? Right not I am using FTP and HTTP but there must be some program that will be faster and help with this. My system is Vista 64 bit and I have full control of my server per FTP and Remote Desktop, so to gain access to the files is no problem. For AAO I use PBCool and PBSSviewier 2.8. So what you guys use?
  6. thanks bud, I did however find the error on my server and now have scrolling messages, thanks for the tip!
  7. LOL I am a newb at COD4.... I guess you see this :) Thanks for the help it works nicely when done correctly :)
  8. My load file looks so: "D:\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\iw3mp.exe" +XxXxXx + but doesn't work it just takes me to the browser window where I select a server?
  9. Right again ;) Thanks Can you explain the color format and also color format for in game names? Thanks!
  10. OK, so do these slots stay in ranked position are unranked? Private or Public?
  11. Can anyone help me out with this command: set sv_privateclients "4" // Number of private player slots, maxclients - privateclients = public slots I have my server set at 20 players and reserved 4 slots, it shows in HLSW that 16 slots are open and 4 reserved slots, but how does one sign in on this reserved slots? Also any help on scrolling text messages out side the ModernRecon program. I have tried: PB_SV_LOAD TASK.CFG and that doesn't work. I added that command to my pbsc.cfg no luck loading it at server start? Thanks!
  12. OK, I too wished for these actions but was NOT able to get the pb_sv_load task.cfg to work, however the program MordenRecon does work, but as you said has to always be on... nice post
  13. OK, I downloaded and uploaded the hub file again, maybe there was a bad line are whatever but it seems to be streaming now, also under my server settings it says streaming! Thanks!
  14. OK, I downloaded and uploaded the hub file again, maybe there was a bad line are whatever but it seems to be streaming now, also under my server settings it says streaming! Thanks!
  15. OK my log sasys: [11.17.2007 10:06:23] PB UCON Profile added type=1 mask="" name="pbbanshub" but I see this error in my logs...over and over... [11.17.2007 10:06:25] PB UCON Packet ignored "pbbanshub"@ [] But when I type command pb_sv_uconlist I get: PunkBuster Client: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] PunkBuster Client: 1 1 pbbanshub PunkBuster Client: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry so I assume I have all setup but something is still screwed up as it still shows my server as "NOT STREAMING" What shall I do?
  16. When I use the command "pb_sv_uconlist" it tells me I am streaming/Hub but when I check the status here it says not streaming. Does it take many a few hours or so for this to all come together? Thanks
  17. Thanks, OK I have added HUB to my server, my log says it is actively(checked with the command "pb_sv_uconlist") working but when I view my servers it say Server Not Added? Can ya help there?
  18. Hello, I have a new COD4 server up and running, I am wondering: My COD4 Server http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ 1. how to stream to PBBans 2. difference between ranked and unranked settings? 3. does anyone have a server.ini for a ranked and unranked server to share? Thanks
  19. My 2 cents are...the site itself is set up very professionally, well designed and almost all data is easily found. The support as to say, response time back from a Admin is of First Class, super fast and very relaxing compared to other sites like AON and AASA, there OK, but I am think PPBans is far better in Support. The site itself is a little slow loading from Germany...I run Cable 16000bit and find it a little slow loading, but worth the wait! Keep up the good work!!!
  20. Sorry the server IP is it's been set to forward to all sites for I think around 2 weeks now? Thanks!
  21. Hello, is there anyway for me to check if my server logs are really getting where they are supposed to go? I posted a question of my status at the AON forums and was advised that my logs have never been there? I have all sites clicked to forward so something must be wrong? MUCH THANKS!
  22. IB[ Americas Army 2.8.1
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