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About DoubleTap

  • Birthday 05/14/1972

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  • Name
    Clutch Impact
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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Thank you. I added it just a minute ago and it's awaiting approval. :)
  2. Thank you for handling the account issue. I'm having another issue now regarding adding this server. Our server, a www.moreal.org server, appears to be 'blacklisted'. This server is new to us and was purchased recently, about exactly a month ago(3/22/09) if I'm not mistaken. Can we get this IP,, removed from the 'blacklist'. What other course of action can we take?
  3. I am the founder of Clutch Impact. Pauz is a team leader. He is currently embroiled in an unhealthy addiction to WoW and is on vacation. No one has talked with him in days. Since my account is the original and I am the clan founder can I have this decision reversed somehow? I understand the need for having only one account per team and will have Pauz added to my account for server management, when he shows back up. I need to get our COD4 server set up for competition prior to Monday night and I don't know if I can contact Pauz by then.
  4. When I click on 'Account Management' to add our COD4 server I get an access Denied page. Can someone activate our account please? #3819 Thank you
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