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    All Squirrels Must Die
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  1. I know its a 'cliche' but I know I don't hack, so I personally am sure they hit a false positive somewhere. Of course, I wouldn't expect anyone else that hasn't been hit with a false positive to believe it until EB says so as well. I know I wouldn't have... How common have false positives been? edit: Luckily for me it did not happen on a streaming server. I am just avoiding streaming servers for now. worm
  2. I have gotten a response back from my PB Support Ticket. Then want me to run some sort of tool that gives them a list of everything running directly after it happens. It did not happen to me tonight, but I only played about 30 minutes. It seems there are quite a few people suddenly getting this. Maybe a latest update is catching a falso positive on something... worm
  3. hmm. No, in both cases for me I was an active player. Maybe he was specing me though. I don't know, didn't think to ask him that. No response from PB yet. worm
  4. Got back on and played again for quite a while. No problems. Then one clan member left and WHAM. Same violation. Then we noticed a patern, BOTH times I got kicked for this, one of the other players on vent with me disconnected from the server the split instant before I got kicked. Also, it was the SAME player both times. I see him disconnect then instantly get kicked with this error... We tried reproducing this manually, by both jumping on the server again and having him disconnect, but it didn't happen then. I just find it a HUGE coincidence that both times this player disconnected from a server before, that I instantaneously (less than a second later) get kicked for this violation. edit: I did submit a troubleticket with EB. worm
  5. I just got kicked for the same code.... Something is going on with PB. worm
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