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Everything posted by meganuts

  1. Ok so wait and see :(
  2. Hey Benway look at the last pb ban, i m not sure they care about the problem cos' a lot of pb 130440 are on the Master Ban Index (MBI) :(
  3. Evenbalance gave me a scanner to use when i m kick. I ve just been kicked from a server, scanned my computer and send them the scanlog. Now wait and see
  4. Hello guyz, same here and another one in a punkbusted fr . Ticket submited to evenbalanced....
  5. hello, i was searchin some help.... same thing for me today; i was not on a streamin server but i open a ticket at evenbalance and answer a french pb admin to call pb coz it s fear me ! Same code 130440 . No cheat and original cfg
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