Ok, here is the long story =) I've been banned from www.caleague.com and they will not lift the ban but its pretty obvious that this ban was not because of any kind of cheat related to and first person shooters.. however I did use a cheat program for World of Warcraft that came from www.cheatengine.org, I used this to Speedhack which yeah was stupid to do but anyways, I accidently left this program on and went into a PB server and I was kicked for GAME HACK #89063.. I am the ONLY one banned from CAL for this there are two other GAME HACK bans with a number of #89002, I guess what im asking for is clarification between the two.. and how I could go about getting this ban lifted.. It's quite annoying that I know that I shouldn't be banned from CAL for cheating in Call of Duty 2, and yet they will not do anything about it.
Please Help:
I know everyone here hates cheaters but I used that Speedhack once and got my account banned from World of Warcraft.. thats enough punishment for me in my opinion so please dont judge me about that =(