I searched through the other topics, but did not see the info I needed. If I missed it, please forgive me and direct me to the proper thread.
I tried to take a screen shot last night on one of our clans COD4 servers. I used the command /pb_sv_getss after having logged in with the RCON command. My understanding from a PB-SS manual that I read was that this command would force a screenshot from every player currently in the game. Unfortunately, when I entered the command I got the message Punkbuster Server: 0 Requested Screenshots.
I considered the idea that this was normal, so I checked the PB-SS directory but no images had been taken. I have done quite a few searches on the internet and visited a lot of forums that all seem to say that I used the correct command and sequence.
The only thing I can think of is that since the server is not setup to take PB-SS automatically, then the command to force the PB-SS manually will not work. Does that sound right? If so, is there a way to setup the PB-SS facility so that the manual PB-SS can be taken but the automatic PB-SS is not done. The reason I ask is that our groups leader does not want to impact the server performance in any way and prefers not to be taking PB-SS automatically.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.