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Everything posted by Croaker

  1. I want to thank you all for your help. After working with it over the weekend we found that you do not need to have the auto screenshot facility turned on but you do have to preface the command with RCON. So the procedure was that after you are logged into RCON you can get screenshots of every player on the server by typing in /rcon pb_sv_getss. Bob, I have discussed setting up the server as a streaming server with the clan leader but he feels that the additional stress on the server could impact game performance and is reluctant to do so. We will simply have to take manual screenshots and inspect those that may be suspect. Which brings me to another question. I believe that I read on the site that if we are not a streaming server than we can not ask for assistance in examining screenshots that we either do not understand or suspect. If that is indeed the case, can you point me to anywhere else that we could get such assistance? I am going to keep working on our clan leader about the streaming issue, but if we identify one or more people who are cheating on our servers it might give me a better chance of convincing him. Thanks again. Croaker.
  2. Ace, So you are saying that I do have to turn on the auto screenshot facility to force the manual screenshots with the /pb_sv_getss command, is that correct? If so, is there a way to set it so that it takes the least amount of auto screenshots as possible? Maybe by setting up these commands in a certain way? Thanks for all the help. BTW ... I had tried taking screen shots of individual users by both name and slot number and received the same error message as in the OP. Thanks again.
  3. I searched through the other topics, but did not see the info I needed. If I missed it, please forgive me and direct me to the proper thread. I tried to take a screen shot last night on one of our clans COD4 servers. I used the command /pb_sv_getss after having logged in with the RCON command. My understanding from a PB-SS manual that I read was that this command would force a screenshot from every player currently in the game. Unfortunately, when I entered the command I got the message Punkbuster Server: 0 Requested Screenshots. I considered the idea that this was normal, so I checked the PB-SS directory but no images had been taken. I have done quite a few searches on the internet and visited a lot of forums that all seem to say that I used the correct command and sequence. The only thing I can think of is that since the server is not setup to take PB-SS automatically, then the command to force the PB-SS manually will not work. Does that sound right? If so, is there a way to setup the PB-SS facility so that the manual PB-SS can be taken but the automatic PB-SS is not done. The reason I ask is that our groups leader does not want to impact the server performance in any way and prefers not to be taking PB-SS automatically. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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