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Everything posted by PITTBULL-DoW-

  1. I was referring to this post Posted Dec 30, 2011 - 12:34 PM Crotan, on Dec 30, 2011 - 12:06 PM, said: Will the pbsv.cfg in th MCi be updated with these lines? We are trying not to give any attackers a list of targets to issue DDoS attacks against so no. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/additional-ucon-profiles-t150048.html Thoguht the backup hub IP's were protected from public view
  2. So is it just Hub 2-2 and 2-3 protected? Or did i totally mis follow your post?
  3. This forums public cannot post the hub info here the IP's are protected this time around as i understand from Maydax to reduce the DDos, run the auto setup tool
  4. If you are a streaming admin you will see that information its not available to public other than that all i can tell you is if you have access to it use punkbuster commands in procon write the new hubs in one by one and then issue pb_sv_writecfg then issue pb_sv_restart no Hub info is granted to public being a 1 poster i doubt your a streaming admin, but this info can apply to the other admins just wait till servers dead remove the old hubs in your pb config file
  5. thank God and Maydax lol
  6. due to some stuff that went down had to take a moments break and sort things out, those who were regulars to our server i am sorry and apologize! If wanting to know more you can visit our website for details on what happened i know the server was the top 32 slot in BF2 and yet again apologize, i have Karkand setup again its on a new IP and info is in my sig. I also say the ruthless admins and abusive ones are now gone and we are back up and RECRUITING, the server is streaming as always and BATTLERECORDER running as always also!!! www.dow-stats.com
  7. i got it man thanks for trying to help i cant get a response out of anyone here especially about a ex clan member accessing my account and changing up my tags so they could rip my Tags and clan name i have used for over 6 years :mellow:
  8. theres big fat SQL error on the DB for that never had a issue this way till now
  9. setup about 30 minutes ago and shows not streaming on account not sure why pb_sv_update ... wait 90 seconds pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use pb_sv_restart ... wait 20 seconds pb_sv_task 10 4000 pb_sv_ver pb_sv_uconignoreempty pb_sv_usessionlimit 16 pb_sv_autoupdban 1 pb_sv_uconempty 9 pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub pb_sv_writecfg is this not the right ucon for BF2 and BF2CC? pb_sv_uconempty 9
  10. been 3 days now still cant add our new server sent pms to Bob and mayadax with no responses that, everytime i try to add it i get this Server is already streaming traced to some other clan that hasnt been active since Dec 1st
  11. im just saying thats the resource deduction if you want the is no reason for these functionalities alot of people wanted to know so i posted it your choice NOTE: disabling any of this does not cause any system problems at all and will reduce your memory usage at least 40% of what is being used on your system at stock install and to Duality i know this stuff well stick to your PB knowledge calling bullshit on this is stupid and sorry to say so are you, if you believe so, this method is proven and rock solid if your a gamer you want to free all resources so dont call bullshit on me or ill be a dick this was posted from me recieving pms here b/c i had posted somethign about it and people wanted to know if you dont like it stay the f*ck off my thread NOTE if you have a obsession with porn then maybe you should keep all these running this was Courtesy of RoBoTCoRpSe of EVGA
  12. FRESH INSTALL ONLY NOTE: on underlined step 3 you can perform anytime on your install on a fresh install on 64 bit Vista your memory usage will be between 38 and 45% in use on idle i know i dont want that or all the security shit that comes with it, its a good OS just uses to much resource so lets get your memory usage down to say around 17 to 20% much better than 40% Get rid of the customer experience nag box You may run into this annoying nag box with your new installation of Vista if you did not chose to automatically activate. You may have noticed you cannot dismiss it until you check "OK, participate in the Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program" and then check "NO" and then it repeats this 2 more times. Solution: Must be logged in with admin Privileges. Open control panel and go to administrative tools, or directly to administrative tools if you have the menu enabled in your start bar. Go to Scheduled tasks On the left you will see a folder called Microsoft. Go to Microsoft>windows>CustomerExperienceImprovementProgram. you will see two tasks in the upper right pane, right click on them and chose disable. This will stop the nag. But there is no reason for them to be there, so go ahead and delete each task, and then delete the folder. Enjoy! Get rid of UAC This should be done on a fresh install before any software is installed. (potential to cause issues with permissions if that is not followed, however I have not expeirance any.) First open windows security center and chose "Change the way Security Center alerts me" Chose "don't alert me and don't show the icon". This must be done before you disable UAC. Then Windows key + R to get the run command, if you havent re-enabled it in the start menu. Then run MSCONFIG. Chose the 'tools' tab and scroll to "Disable UAC" run that and restart. Free up Memory and Resources this reduce ram usage Some of these tweaks will make your system more secure, while others will free up significant system resources and remove annoying nag boxes, at the expense of removing what little protection the services provide. Windows defender: No thanks, If I wanted to build a fortress I would not have used windows... pardon the pun.. Disable this resource hog Start, All programs, Windows defender. Chose tools, then options and un-check everything, especially "Use windows defender" and hit save. Remote access: This is a terrible security risk to have enabled. Hit the Windows key and Pause/Break and in the left side bar chose "remote settings". Under remote Assistance un-check Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer. Under Remote Desktop chose Don't allow connections to this computer. Parental Controls: Are you serious? Sorry, my desktop is rated NR. Hit Windows key + R to get the run dialog and type "MSCONFIG". Chose the services Tab and scroll down to Parental Controls and un-check it. While you are here, also un-check "Secondary Logon", "Remote Registry", "windows Error Reporting Service" (all security risks) and "Security Center" (at this point it only tells you if windows firewall and your virus scanner is working, its useless.) This will reclaim some resources. Save the changes. *you will have to restart* Automatic updates: Vista (like XP) will continualy search for updates if you let it. You can easily disable by running Windows Update and in the left pane chose Change Settings. Then check Never check for updates and click ok. Just besure to check for updates periodicly. You can take this one step further and go into your services window and disable the windows update service to safe more resources, just besure to turn it on when you want to check for updates. Hope this helped you free up some ram and make your system more secure!
  13. why run all the Vista safety crap in the first place its pretty much useless disableing all this reduces your memory usage from 40% to around 17 to 20 % windows defenders and all the preloaded security crap from vista is useless anyways, and once you disable no more run as adminstrator bullcrap i cant post how to disable it all if wanted just pm me
  14. thanks man ill give that a try because i dont have duplicate messages on my server
  15. nope had them in my pbsvmessages folder first and deleted that and took the load command out of my pbsv file and they are still doing it // ******************************************* //Server Messages pb_sv_task 10 120 say "^2LIVE Server STATS on www.dow-stats.com" pb_sv_task 30 120 say "^2~DoW~ is now RECRUITING ages 16+ apply @ www.dow-stats.com" pb_sv_task 50 120 say "^2Like our server? Please consider donating to help us keep it going" pb_sv_task 70 120 say "^3Please Add our Servers to your Favorites!!!
  16. im using the pbsvuser for messages now, but i get double scrolling messages when they scroll what would cause that?
  17. no1s got some screens to post of their venture the Treyarch guys said on the release trailer 21 was their highest we beat that finally tonight hard as hell though
  18. so all you did was add this to your pbsvuser.cfg? pb_sv_task 10 120 "say ^0[^2RUF^0]^7 ^3Clan is now recruiting! ^2Visit ^5www.^7RUFClan^5.com ^2For Details" pb_sv_task 10 120 "say ^0[^2RUF^0]= ^9Respect, ^9Unity, ^2and ^9Fun!" pb_sv_task 30 120 "say ^2Join us at ^5www.^7RUFClan^5.com" pb_sv_task 50 120 "say ^1Cheaters will be burned!" pb_sv_task 70 120 "say ^4Welcome to ^7RUF ^1HC ^4TDM" pb_sv_task 90 120 "say ^2Join us on ^1T^2e^3a^4m^5s^6p^7e^8a^9k^0! ^3Visit ^5www.^7RUFClan^5.com ^3For Info" pb_sv_task 110 120 "say ^2Favorite our servers please!"
  19. evenbalance sent out something killing them on the pbsv.cfg file had to replace with the old one for them to work as Frostie said in the SGA forums
  20. to run your chosen map config just remove the comments // in front of the map rotation for those that didnt know :D
  21. seta sv_punkbuster 1 wait pb_sv_enable // Rconpassword set rcon_password "ACCOUNTID" // Change this to your rcon password! // Server password (needed to get into the server) set g_password "" // blank means NO password // Private Client Slot Password set sv_privatePassword "" //////////////////////////////////// // Server Information // // Server Browser Name set sv_hostname "^2~DoW~ ^524/7 TDM" //This is the name that appears in the server browser // "Message of the Day" -- Not sure if this even works set g_motd "Welcome to the server. Please respect the admins." // Keywords (maybe a server search function?) set sv_keywords "" //////////////////////////////////// // Client Issues // // Maximum Clients //set sv_maxclients "10" set sv_privateclients "0" // These people can use the private password to get in the server // Client's Min/Maximum Ping set sv_minPing "0" set sv_maxping "999" // Client's Maximum Rate set sv_maxRate "25000" // Client Voting set g_allowVote "0" set g_voteAbstainWeight "0.5" // Client Side Stuff -- Don't know what these do right now set sv_clientside "0" set sv_clientArchive "1" set sv_clientSideBullets "1" set sv_clientSideVehicles "1" set g_client_side_lights "1" // sv_pure - Keeps clients from loading files NOT on the server set sv_pure "1" // Disable Client access to console? set sv_disableClientConsole "0" //////////////////////////////////// // Server Personality Settings // // Automatic Team Balance set scr_teambalance "0" // In-Game Voice Chat set sv_voice "0" set voice_global "0" set g_voiceChatTalkingDuration "500" set voice_deadChat "0" set sv_voiceQuality "3" set voice_localEcho "0" // Dead players chat with the living? set g_deadChat "0" // Who dead people can spectate set scr_game_spectatetype "1" // Gravity set g_gravity "800" // Base Move Speed set g_speed "190" // Number of dropped weapons before recycling set g_maxDroppedWeapons "20" //////////////////////////////////// // Server General Gameplay Settings // // Hardcore set scr_hardcore "1" // OldSchool set scr_oldschool "0" // Friendly Fire? set scr_team_fftype "0" // Red Crosshairs while over enemy? Maybe? set g_redCrosshairs "1" // Draw Friends set scr_drawfriend "1" // Revive players? Don't know what this does set scr_player_allowrevive "1" set g_revive "0" set revive_time_taken "2" // Announcer set scr_allowannouncer "1" //////////////////////////////////// // Player Settings // // Health Issues set scr_player_healthregentime "5" set scr_player_maxhealth "100" // Number of lives set scr_player_numlives "0" // Respawn Settings set scr_player_forcerespawn "1" set scr_player_respawndelay "0" set scr_player_suicidespawndelay "0" // Sprint Settings set scr_player_sprinttime "4" // Suicide point loss set scr_game_suicidepointloss "0" //////////////////////////////////// // Server Timers set scr_game_graceperiod "15" set scr_intermission_time "30" set scr_team_respawntime "0" //////////////////////////////////// // Gametype Settings // // KOTH set scr_koth_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" set scr_koth_numlives "0" set scr_koth_playerrespawndelay "0" set scr_koth_roundlimit "1" set scr_koth_roundswitch "1" set scr_koth_scorelimit "250" set scr_koth_timelimit "15" set scr_koth_waverespawndelay "0" // More setting that I am not sure work (because they are not named like normal) set koth_autodestroytime "60" set koth_capturetime "20" set koth_delayPlayer "0" set koth_destroytime "10" set koth_kothmode "0" set koth_spawnDelay "60" set koth_spawntime "0" // CTF set scr_ctf_enemycarriervisible "0" set scr_ctf_flagrespawntime "0" set scr_ctf_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" set scr_ctf_idleflagreturntime "30" set scr_ctf_numlives "0" set scr_ctf_playerrespawndelay "0" set scr_ctf_roundlimit "2" set scr_ctf_roundswitch "1" set scr_ctf_scorelimit "3" set scr_ctf_timelimit "5" set scr_ctf_touchreturn "1" set scr_ctf_waverespawndelay "15" // DM set scr_dm_globalbattlechatterprobability "100" set scr_dm_numlives "0" set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay "0" set scr_dm_roundlimit "1" set scr_dm_scorelimit "150" set scr_dm_timelimit "10" set scr_dm_waverespawndelay "0" // DOM set scr_dom_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" set scr_dom_numlives "0" set scr_dom_playerrespawndelay "0" set scr_dom_roundlimit "1" set scr_dom_scorelimit "200" set scr_dom_timelimit "0" set scr_dom_waverespawndelay "0" // TWAR set scr_twar_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" set scr_twar_numlives "0" set scr_twar_roundlimit "2" set scr_twar_roundswitch "1" set scr_twar_scorelimit "5" set scr_twar_timelimit "10" set twar_captureAccelBonus "35" set twar_captureAccelLimit "50" set twar_captureTime "40" set twar_finalFightFlagRespawnPenalty "3" set twar_finalFightTimeLimit "5" set twar_momentumArtillery "10" set twar_momentumBlitzkriegTime "30" set twar_momentumDogs "10" set twar_momentumEnabled "1" set twar_momentumFlagCap "25" set twar_momentumKamikaze "10" set twar_momentumKillPlayer "5" set twar_momentumMax "70" set twar_momentumMaxMultiplier "3" set twar_momentumMultiplierBonus "25" set twar_momentumMultiplierBonusLimit "75" set twar_momentumRadar "10" set twar_neutralFlagLockTime "0" set twar_secondaryInfluencerBonus "0.5" set twar_showEnemyCount "1" set twar_spawnPointFacingAngle "60" // TDM set scr_tdm_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" set scr_tdm_numlives "0" set scr_tdm_playerrespawndelay "0" set scr_tdm_roundlimit "1" set scr_tdm_scorelimit "750" set scr_tdm_timelimit "10" set scr_tdm_waverespawndelay "0" // SD set scr_sd_bombtimer "45" set scr_sd_defusetime "5" set scr_sd_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" set scr_sd_multibomb "0" set scr_sd_numlives "1" set scr_sd_planttime "5" set scr_sd_playerrespawndelay "0" set scr_sd_roundlimit "0" set scr_sd_roundswitch "10" set scr_sd_scorelimit "20" set scr_sd_timelimit "2" set scr_sd_waverespawndelay "0" // SAB set scr_sab_bombtimer "30" set scr_sab_defusetime "5" set scr_sab_globalbattlechatterprobability "0" set scr_sab_hotpotato "0" set scr_sab_numlives "0" set scr_sab_planttime "2.5" set scr_sab_playerrespawndelay "7.5" set scr_sab_roundlimit "0" set scr_sab_roundswitch "1" set scr_sab_scorelimit "1" set scr_sab_timelimit "20" set scr_sab_waverespawndelay "0" //////////////////////////////////// // Weapons // set scr_weapon_allowbetty "0" set scr_weapon_allowc4 "0" set scr_weapon_allowflash "1" set scr_weapon_allowfrags "1" set scr_weapon_allowmines "0" set scr_weapon_allowrpgs "0" set scr_weapon_allowsatchel "0" set scr_weapon_allowsmoke "1" // Bouncing Bettty Settings set bettyDetonateRadius "150" set bettyTimeBeforeDetonate "0.45" set bettyUpVelocity "296" // Poison gas stuff? set poisonDuration "8" set tabun_effect_radius "150" set tabun_shock_radius "150" set tabunGasDuration "3" set tabunInitialGasShockDuration "7" set tabunWalkInGasShockDuration "4" //////////////////////////////////// // Perk & Hardpoint Settings // // Perk Settings set scr_game_perks "0" set perk_armorVest "75" set perk_bulletDamage "40" set perk_explosiveDamage "25" set perk_fireproof "55" set perk_flakJacket "75" set perk_flakJacketMaxDamage "75" set player_lastStandBleedoutTime "30" // Vehicle Perk Settings set vehicle_perk_boost_acceleration_multiplier "1.571" set vehicle_perk_boost_duration_seconds "0.74" set vehicle_perk_boost_interval_seconds "1.703" set vehicle_perk_boost_speed_increase "1.878" set vehicle_perk_leadfoot_speed_increase "1.35" // Hardpoint Settings // set scr_game_hardpoints "0" set scr_hardpoint_allowartillery "0" set scr_hardpoint_allowdogs "0" set scr_hardpoint_allowradar "0" set scr_hardpoint_allowsupply "0" set scr_hardpoint_allowuav "0" // Dog Settings set scr_dog_count "8" set scr_dog_hardpoint_interval "180" set scr_dog_health "100" set scr_dog_max_at_once "4" set scr_dog_time "60" //////////////////////////////////// // Vehicle Settings -- Holy cow look at all these settings! set scr_vehicles_enabled "0" set scr_veh_respawntimemax "90" set scr_veh_respawntimemin "50" set scr_veh_health_jeep "700" set scr_veh_health_tank "1350" set scr_veh_driversarehidden "1" set scr_veh_driversareinvulnerable "1" set scr_veh_explode_on_cleanup "1" set scr_veh_explosion_doradiusdamage "1" set scr_veh_explosion_maxdamage "200" set scr_veh_explosion_mindamage "20" set scr_veh_explosion_radius "256" set scr_veh_alive_cleanuptimemax "120" set scr_veh_alive_cleanuptimemin "119" set scr_veh_cleanupabandoned "1" set scr_veh_cleanupdrifted "1" set scr_veh_cleanupmaxspeedmph "1" set scr_veh_cleanupmindistancefeet "75" set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfactor_deadtread "0.25" set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfactor_max "1.0" set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfactor_min "0.33" set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfraction_curve_begin "0.0" set scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfraction_curve_end "1.0" set scr_veh_dead_cleanuptimemax "30" set scr_veh_dead_cleanuptimemin "20" set scr_veh_disappear_maxpreventdistancefeet "30" set scr_veh_disappear_maxpreventvisibilityfeet "150" set scr_veh_disappear_maxwaittime "60" set scr_veh_explosion_husk_forcepointvariance "30" set scr_veh_explosion_husk_horzvelocityvariance "25" set scr_veh_explosion_husk_vertvelocitymax "200" set scr_veh_explosion_husk_vertvelocitymin "100" set scr_veh_explosion_spawnfx "1" set scr_veh_ondeath_createhusk "1" set scr_veh_ondeath_usevehicleashusk "1" set scr_veh_respawnafterhuskcleanup "1" set scr_veh_respawnwait_iterationwaitseconds "1" set scr_veh_respawnwait_maxiterations "30" set scr_veh_waittillstoppedandmindist_maxtime "10" set scr_veh_waittillstoppedandmindist_maxtimeenab ledistfeet "5" //////////////////////////////////// // Server Performance Issues // // Rate set rate "25000" // Antilag set g_antilag "1" // Smooth clients set g_smoothClients "1" // FPS (Server Frames per Second) -- I would leave this alone for now. MIGHT mess up gameplay if changed. set sv_fps "20" //////////////////////////////////// // Server Download/Redirect Settings // set sv_allowDownload "0" set sv_wwwBaseURL "" set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0" set sv_wwwDownload "0" //////////////////////////////////// // Server Management/Admin // // Logging set g_log "games_mp.log" set g_logSync "1" set logfile "2" // Client IP Banning (yucky way to do this) set g_banIPs "" // Kick Ban Time set sv_kickBanTime "300" // TKers set scr_teamKillPunishCount "3" set scr_team_artilleryTeamKillPenalty "0.25" set scr_team_kickteamkillers "0" set set scr_team_teamkillerplaylistbanpenalty "0" set scr_team_teamkillerplaylistbanquantum "0" set scr_team_teamkillpointloss "1" set scr_team_teamkillspawndelay "20" //////////////////////////////////// // Batttle Chatter Settings set scr_allowbattlechatter "1" set bcmp_incoming_grenade_probability "50" set bcmp_kill_inform_probability "50" set bcmp_killstreak_incoming_probability "50" set bcmp_perk_call_probability "50" set bcmp_sniper_kill_probability "25" set bcmp_toss_grenade_probability "50" set bcmp_weapon_delay "2000" set bcmp_weapon_fire_probability "90" //////////////////////////////////// // Fire set fire_audio_random_max_duration "1000" set fire_audio_repeat_duration "1500" set fire_spread_probability "0" set fire_stage1_burn_time "3000" set fire_stage2_burn_time "0" set fire_stage3_burn_time "0" set fire_world_damage "20" set fire_world_damage_duration "8" set fire_world_damage_rate "0.25" //////////////////////////////////// // Flares set flare_distance_scale "16" set flare_duration "8" set flare_effect_radius "400" set flareBurnOutFadeWait "0.65" set flareDisableEffects "0" set flareLookAwayFadeWait "0.45" // Map_rotation (available gametypes: dm, tdm, dom, sab, sd ctf, koth, twar) //CTF set sv_mapRotation "gametype ctf map mp_airfield gametype ctf map mp_asylum gametype ctf ma p mp_castle gametype ctf map mp_shrine gametype ctf map mp_courtyard gametype ctf map mp_do me gametype ctf map mp_downfall gametype ctf map mp_hangar gametype ctf map mp_makin gamety pe ctf map mp_outskirts gametype ctf map mp_roundhouse gametype ctf map mp_seelow gametype ctf map mp_suburban" //DM //set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_airfield gametype dm map mp_asylum gametype dm map m p_castle gametype dm map mp_shrine gametype dm map mp_courtyard gametype dm map mp_dome gam etype dm map mp_downfall gametype dm map mp_hangar gametype dm map mp_makin gametype dm map mp_outskirts gametype dm map mp_roundhouse gametype dm map mp_seelow gametype dm map mp_su burban" //DOM //set sv_mapRotation "gametype dom map mp_airfield gametype dom map mp_asylum gametype dom ma p mp_castle gametype dom map mp_shrine gametype dom map mp_courtyard gametype dom map mp_do me gametype dom map mp_downfall gametype dom map mp_hangar gametype dom map mp_makin gamety pe dom map mp_outskirts gametype dom map mp_roundhouse gametype dom map mp_seelow gametype dom map mp_suburban" //HQ //set sv_mapRotation "gametype koth map mp_airfield gametype koth map mp_asylum gametype koth map mp_castle gametype koth map mp_shrine gametype koth map mp_courtyard gametype koth map mp_dome gametype koth map mp_downfall gametype koth map mp_hangar gametype koth map mp_mak in gametype koth map mp_outskirts gametype koth map mp_roundhouse gametype koth map mp_seel ow gametype koth map mp_suburban" //Non-Gametype Specific //set sv_mapRotation "map mp_airfield map mp_asylum map mp_castle map mp_shrine map mp_courty ard map mp_dome map mp_downfall map mp_hangar map mp_makin map mp_outskirts map mp_roundhou se map mp_seelow map mp_suburban" //SAB //set sv_mapRotation "gametype sab map mp_airfield gametype sab map mp_asylum gametype sab ma p mp_castle gametype sab map mp_shrine gametype sab map mp_courtyard gametype sab map mp_do me gametype sab map mp_downfall gametype sab map mp_hangar gametype sab map mp_makin gamety pe sab map mp_outskirts gametype sab map mp_roundhouse gametype sab map mp_seelow gametype sab map mp_suburban" //SD //set sv_mapRotation "gametype sd map mp_airfield gametype sd map mp_asylum gametype sd map m p_castle gametype sd map mp_shrine gametype sd map mp_courtyard gametype sd map mp_dome gam etype sd map mp_downfall gametype sd map mp_hangar gametype sd map mp_makin gametype sd map mp_outskirts gametype sd map mp_roundhouse gametype sd map mp_seelow gametype sd map mp_su burban" //TDM //set sv_mapRotation "gametype tdm map mp_airfield gametype tdm map mp_asylum gametype tdm ma p mp_castle gametype tdm map mp_shrine gametype tdm map mp_courtyard gametype tdm map mp_do me gametype tdm map mp_downfall gametype tdm map mp_hangar gametype tdm map mp_makin gamety pe tdm map mp_outskirts gametype tdm map mp_roundhouse gametype tdm map mp_seelow gametype tdm map mp_suburban" //TWAR //set sv_mapRotation "gametype twar map mp_airfield gametype twar map mp_asylum gametype twar map mp_castle gametype twar map mp_shrine gametype twar map mp_courtyard gametype twar map mp_dome gametype twar map mp_downfall gametype twar map mp_hangar gametype twar map mp_mak in gametype twar map mp_outskirts gametype twar map mp_roundhouse gametype twar map mp_seel ow gametype twar map mp_suburban"
  22. just letting the community know i have now got live W@W server stats up for both of our servers server info can be found in my sigs Stats for our servers can be found on our website www.dow-stats.com of course they are streamed LOL
  23. cmon guys no1 can get close?
  24. Treyarch guys said the got to 21 i challenge to see who can come close
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