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About sbristol21

  • Birthday 02/01/1956

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  • Location
    Kennewick Wa

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  • Game Server IP Address and Port
  • Game Played
    Battlefield Bad Company 2
  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. I figured that was the problem once I looked at the serrver IP again, but I had to follow PBBANN S.O.P before I deleated it. Thanks for all your Help.
  2. Yes I do have a team account but it has been about two weeks since we have had a active server. I have had a account for several years.
  3. Could you check and see that the IP I entered is correct please. I am having a problem getting it to sttream, Thanks
  4. Please reactivate this server I finaily fixed the issue. It ia a MOH Game.
  5. :) Thanks form the info, I fill like a ass for not checking the forums first. I will do this first from now on before I waste your time. But again, thanks for the help. :D
  6. With just about every keyboard on the market now you can program it for Macros. With that in mind if one was to change the config on the pbsv.cig file for the server from restriction 1 to a 2 would this cause problems for those that have these keyboards but but don't use the macros set up on them? or would it just kick the ones who are using the macros system? The reason I was asking was in response to this answer I received to one of my other questions. the setting pb_sv_restrictions will now accept a value of 2 for cases where a server admin wants Punk Buster to be more restrictive with regard to certain macro or hot key type programs; pb_sv_restrictions will continue to default to the value of 1; admins who want to enforce the additional restrictions must configure "pb_sv_restrictions 2" either at the command line or in the pbsvuser.cfg configuration file in the server's pb folder
  7. With just about every keyboard on the market now you can program it for Macros. With that in mind if one was to change the config on the pbsv.cig file for the server from restriction 1 to a 2 would this cause problems for those that have these keyboards but but don't use the macros set up on them? or would it just kick the ones who are using the macros system? The reason I was asking was in response to this awnser I received to one of my other questions. the setting pb_sv_restrictions will now accept a value of 2 for cases where a server admin wants PunkBuster to be more restrictive with regard to certain macro or hot key type programs; pb_sv_restrictions will continue to default to the value of 1; admins who want to enforce the additional restrictions must configure "pb_sv_restrictions 2" either at the command line or in the pbsvuser.cfg configuration file in the server's pb folder
  8. Server the port Number needs to be changed to 16567 sorry I got it wrong, please change it. -KbK- the server should start streaming after you change it, Thanks
  9. I was informed that there was a way to check if a player is using a macro. Is this some thing that streaming servers are already getting? Or is this something different?
  10. I have loaded this thing 10 times know and It wont work, I have never had this much trouble with it before with my other servers, all with the same game provider (my internet services).
  11. I am having problems streaming ip is I believe I have everything correct. Here is a copy of the commands in my PB file, they seem to be correct to me. ;Cvar Range List - pb_sv_cvar [cvar_name] [type] [value(s)] pb_sv_cvarempty ;PB UCON Settings / Lists pb_sv_usessionlimit 8 pb_sv_ucontimeout 300 pb_sv_uconempty pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbanshub" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconignoreempty
  12. I quit old clan and took my server with me and started a new clan. New clan web site is http://www.clantoolz.com/kbkclan/ game server is My account # is 1028 and the clan tag is -KbK- the clan name is Kill or be Killed Elite
  13. I have 4 servers at this time and I see a lot of players getting kicked from the servers. Is there a admin tool that I can run while in game to tell me why these players are getting kicked with out going into the servers log?
  14. I don't know about the rest of you guys but setting up punksbusted for your server is a pain in the ass. And you have to upload there ban list on a regular bases.
  15. I will be adding a COD4 server to my account in a few days, will the config settings be the same as BF2142 that I am using now?
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