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  1. Yes, I do know the difference between a kick and a ban. I have checked the pbguid and it didn't have my record; however, I thought it wasn't updated yet. As soon as I got banned I came to this site. The message was something like "You are permanently banned..." "punkbuster..." and there was "pbbans.com" for information underneath it. I dont understand why if it wasn't pbban.com that banned me, there would be your website telling me to go there? I didn't even know about this website until I got banned. One would think with a common sense that if read the message correctly to come to this site and whine. But then again thats just me.
  2. I was playing on ks server today and I got permanently banned from the server by punk buster. I wasn't using any bots, hacks, wall hacker or any other bs. All I have is colored name created using this program I d/l off the sof2 website. And the punkbuster was up to date. how do you guys tell if a player is a hacker or not? I have been playing this game for 5 years now and I was never banned from any server playing this game. If you guys can't tell difference between a good player and a hacker, then I dont understand why this site even exist. For people that plays right, all you guys are doing is pissing people off with a mistake like this. And tell me why did I get banned for? GUID: ce38f95b2bd283ba6b920bdd75ef2d50
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