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Everything posted by GeneralXTL

  1. I figured it was a long shot seeing how i only have my word and there is no way to prove that it was not me but i figured it would be cheaper to try. Thanks for your support though. I guess there is some good that may come out of all this. Even though i dislike being banned for the action of a friend, the ban did work fairly well and i have managed about 8 or so Battlefield servers in the past few years but have only streemed punksbusted, which was fine, we got alot of cheaters off our servers and where able to catch a few (myself catching 2 personaly) with the help of PBSS but we have never streemed from PBBans. Now would it be possible to streem from both PBbans aswell as punks busted without causing a massive amount of lag?
  2. I let a friend of mine barrow My BF2 disk, he said he wanted to play online with his younger brother. Well when i got it back a few weeks later i discovered i was banned from a ton of servers. I later found out that he was using a hack and got caught and placed on the PBbans master ban list for BF2. Now I am a senior in high school and don't have time for a job at the moment so i don't have alot of extra money for games. I would realy like to be able to play again and have asked the ban to be apealed but have not heard back yet. What are my chances of my GUID being removed from the ban list? My Ingame name is GeneralXTL, my friend is end0XT you can see the ban here http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=37816 . That is his account but that is MY GUID. If anyone has any sugestions on how to fix this please tell me.
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